The Matter of Milley

STATES, PURSUANT TO MY POWERS UNDER ARTICLE II, SECTION 2, CLAUSE 1, OF THE CONSTITUTION, HAVE GRANTED UNTO GENERAL MARK A. MILLEY A FULL AND UNCONDITIONAL PARDON FOR ANY OFFENSES against the United States, including but not limited to any offenses under the United States Code or the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which he may have committed or taken part in during the period from January l, 2014, through the date of this pardon arising from or in any manner related to his service as Chief of Staff of the U.S. Army or Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.”

A lot of ink has been spilled already about Biden’s pardons from a few weeks ago of Mark Milley and the rest. I saw this from John Lucas the other day regarding Mark Milley’s calling the Commander-in-Chief a fascist, which is something I had forgotten about. Big no-no.

Even with all the hubbub there has been one question that’s been nagging me for the past several years. Why didn’t Milley resign after the events of January, 2021?

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Wes Isn’t Moore

We may be less than a week into the second Trump administration, but there are already folks out there testing the water for a presidential run in 2028. Over the next two years, they will be packaging a track record that can be sold to donors and supporters and testing whether they have a viable lane to run in.

The problem is that nobody has a clue what the political landscape is going to look like in 2027-28. We might only be a week in, but Genghis Trump and the Orange MAGA Horde are already running rampant through the Democratic heartland. They have put DEI to the sack, are in the process of doing the same to illegal immigration, and are laying siege to the Deep State.

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Random Thoughts (9): Talking About “Football”


The future belongs to the young and by now my view of college football is as antiquated as those sports fans who wistfully remember the Brooklyn Dodgers.

So the College Football Playoff National Championship was played this Monday, did you catch it? An average of 22.1 million viewers did. That sounds like a lot, but it represented a 12% decline from a year ago, and when compared to the top shows for 2024 would rank 54th, just behind Week 17 Sunday Night Football.

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They Accuse!

The ridiculousness about Elon Musk’s hand gesture reminded me of something: In his memoir of Spain before and during their civil war, Arturo Barea said that on one occasion, he was showing a friend how tall a child was–“like this,” he said, holding up his hand to indicate the height. He was accused of giving the Fascist salute, and was saved from the firing squad only by the intervention of credible friends.

Christopher Hitchens on Abortion

Today is the Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children and I found my mind drawn to Christopher Hitchens. In 1988 Hitchens said, regarding abortion:

“Look, once you allow that the occupant of the womb is even potentially a life, it cuts athwart any glib invocation of “the woman’s right to choose.” If the unborn is a candidate member of the next generation, it means that it is society’s responsibility. I used to argue that if this is denied, you might as well permit abortion in the third trimester. I wasn’t as surprised as perhaps I ought to have been when some feminists—only some, and partly to annoy—said yes to that. They at least were prepared to accept their own logic, and say that the unborn is nobody’s business but theirs.”

Of course now for nearly all feminists, 37 years later, the right to unlimited abortion is enshrined in holy script.

The ironic things about Hitchens’s views was that he was an atheist; however, he was honest and a contrarian as opposed to an ideologue. He started as a Trotskyist, for many years considered himself a democratic socialist, and changed his views again after 9/11, notably breaking with The Nation over its opposition to the invasion of Iraq.

My first taste of Hitchens came when I was a wee lad listening to him on the Hugh Hewitt Show. Like him, hate him, I don’t think he cared; he was fearless and went where he thought his values and intellect showed the way. He was always worth the time, whether you agreed with him or not.

Hitchens was an immigrant to the US and died in 2011. I would dearly have loved to hear his views of the past 10 years.