Odd London 2009

Odd London 2009

Recently I went to London and took a variety of odd pictures that made me laugh or think.

Upper left – this was a photo of a gas station – nothing odd, right? But from what my “local” contact said, this was one of VERY few in central London, and extremely rare. I guess the local laws and high property values make this an expensive proposition. It did seem very busy. I guess you can’t drive around with your tank on “E” in London.

Upper middle – “Reject Pot Shop” – what a great name for a crockery / cooking store

Upper right – there was a display of English rock bands, and if you look closely at the hats you can see “The Who” and “The Beatles” but how the heck did “Motley Crue” get in there?

Lower left – SMARTIES – you can get them in the UK and in Canada but not in the United States. They are like M&M’s but way better – they are bigger than the chocolate ones (not peanut), come in cooler flavors, and have a better candy “shell”. If you see them, give them a try

Lower middle – a betting parlor. They are all over in the UK, as they are in Australia. The world doesn’t seem to come to an end when sports betting is allowed, does it?

Lower right – when we were in the “Underground” I saw an ad for the city of Chicago. The funny part is that beach scene on Lake Michigan with no one else around. At least we are trying

Cross posted at LITGM

9 thoughts on “Odd London 2009”

  1. I am sure you got one of those Crue hats. In the background of that photo is what looks to be a “CBGB” board game of some sort. That is odd as well – I wonder if the object of the game is to get as deaf and sweaty as possible.

  2. Thanks, Helen. That is very kind of you.

    Carl, did you bring any back with you? I googled, but unfortunately there is an unrelated candy with the same name sold in the USA.

    Here is a comparison between Smarties and M&Ms.

    Another comparison, perhaps definitive.

    The real standard to meet is the peanut or almond M&M, than which few candies are finer.

  3. The second smarties post is much better. Sorry I ate all my smarties within hours of touching down in the states


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