When it comes to aspects of the current gender-swapping madness towards which I am most adamantly opposed, the spectacle of teen and twentyish born males putting on a dress, calling themselves Loretta and demanding to compete as a female athlete tops the list, because of the inherent unfairness of it. Human sexual dimorphism is a stone-cold reality: the mature male of our species tends to be taller, heavier, faster and more muscular than the female. Personally, the last time I was ever able to hold my own, physically against my brother and his friends, was at the age of twelve or thirteen – right before puberty set in. I will concede that there are outliers and variances; I am fairly sure that Ronda Rousey could smack the tar out of that skinny little twerp Dylan Mulvaney every day before breakfast and twice on Sunday.
I will also acknowledge that there have been a tiny handful of female competitors in sports events who were sexually indeterminate from birth, due to a chromosomal oddity. But neither of these changes the size/strength imbalance a single degree. It is simply not fair for post-pubertal genuine, original XX girls and women to compete in a contest of physical strength and endurance against an XY person calling themselves Loretta and putting on a dress, or a female swimsuit.
Aside from that, it can and has been dangerous, to the point of causing injuries. And as for why indifferent male athletes are allowed to cosplay as women on school sports teams? One reason might be that coaches and schools are all out for winning at any cost, never mind considering the safety and security of the genuine XX original-issue-lady-parts girls on their teams. Probably the high-decibel screaming of the trans-enthusiasts across all aspects of our public life and their perceived social power has a lot to do with this unfairness being allowed. The wish to be seen as an ally and champion of the so-called marginalized is overwhelmingly powerful among progressives, stronger than any sense of fairness or even concern for the safety of women. Allowing and encouraging male sex-pests to claim sudden-onset gender switcheroo so that they can demand placement or access to prisons, hospital wards, battered-women shelters, female-only gyms and spas goes beyond obscene. And threatening insane degrees of violence against women who object to this invasion of female-only spaces by thinly-disguised male perverts … say, oh champions-of-the-trans, do you listen to yourselves? Do you believe for a hot second that this line of discourse is persuasive?
By the way, such indulgent championship really doesn’t appear to do anything good in the long run for those individuals and groups taken up as totems for the progressive legions. Can anyone insist with a straight face that people of color, or the poor, or the homeless are really better off for being nominated as the cherished totems of progressive affirmative action over the last couple of decades. Routinely prioritizing the wants of spurious trans-women over the actual safety and well-being of genuine women will guarantee a backlash. It’s been said often enough before and I will say it again – it’s a social contagion, as much as anything written about by Charles Mackay in Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. The enthusiasm for matters trans will eventually be seen as much a disgrace and a fraud as the recovered-memory, or satanic day care abuse trials of decades past, Alas – it is said that people go mad in crowds, but recover sanity only one by one.
Discuss as you wish – and how much longer do you think this trans madness will last?
Somebody suggested that if a biological male is competing with actual women in swimming, put a dolphin in and see how he like *that* for competition.
Could do the same with track and a gazelle.
However positive the original aims of feminism may have been, there is no denying that “Feminism” with a capital F has become a disaster for the great majority of women … much worse than the so-called “patriarchy” ever was. Take a look at England — women are below Muslims (in every sense one may put on the word), and “Feminists” are not complaining … just as “Feminists” in the US don’t seem to be complaining about biological males competing in female sports.
Well said.
I would very much like to see a reframing of the whole “trans” argument.
As I see it there are at least three groups being lumped in here:
People with genetic anomalies, for example: XXY, Kleinfelter Syndrome; XXX, Trisomy X, or androgen insensitivity in males, genotypically male (XX) but phenotypically female;
People struggling with gender dysphoria, convince (with a great deal of outside help) that they are trapped in a body of the wrong sex;
People with autogynephilia (wikipedia, sorry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blanchard%27s_transsexualism_typology)
I’d like to see the reframing because a lot of the force behind the transitioning argument seems to be coming from the last group, and I think it would be harder for progressive advocate to persist in their arguments if it were pointed out that there efforts are aimed in part at assisting fetishists in getting their jollies in female spaces.
I’ve no idea what might be done to assist the one truly tragic class of true believers: parents who have “followed the science” and assisted a child in transitioning.
Sorry for the typos at 5:30am above:
“convinced” for convince;
“advocates” for advocate;
“their” for there;