Obama + Reid + Pelosi = A Scared, United Right

“I happen to be opposed to gay marriage, but our peril is so great
that goes on the back burner,” Debbie Johnson of Georgia told me on
Saturday. Bruce Majors, a gay real-estate agent from Washington D.C.,
had a different take. He told me earlier this year that he felt
perfectly comfortable working with the Tea Party on bringing the size
of government under control. “We’re both about freedom and we have a
common short-term goal,” he said. Indeed, in Washington this past
weekend the more libertarian and the more socially conservative
elements of the Tea Party seemed to get along just fine.

From this, via Instapundit.

The Cold War was the glue that held the American Right together up to 1989.

Obama and the Democrats have become a domestic Soviet Union, politically.

They and all their evil works and their trillion-dollars-at-a-time cash bonfires are a menace so great that everything else has to be put off to the side.

These fools have scared the herd of cats on the Right into a tactical alliance that may (fingers crossed …) turn into a longer lasting realignment.

That is a perverse achievement.

Mark Levin on Mocking the Ruling Class

I recently posted my broodings about the American “Ruling Class”, in response to the much-discussed article by Angelo Codevilla on this theme. This post struck a nerve. It generated a huge number of comments, of exceptionally high quality.

I was very pleased to find out that Mark Levin discussed this post on his radio show. He begins that discussion at about 39:45. Mark says, “Lexington Green, though he may not know it, is writing about this show, and me.” He focuses on the idea that our would-be rulers should be mocked, that they should be disrespected, and that is precisely what he does. This is a strategy that he, and I, and many others, all agree about. I recall one sterling example: the roars of laughter when Gov. Palin mocked candidate Obama at the Republican convention, simply by telling the truth about him in a confident and humorous way. It was pure relief to have someone speak honestly about the man, it was like oxygen coming into a room full of toxic gas. The more of this the better, and the more it is done with humor and a sense of confidence in ourselves, the better for us personally (too much anger begins to degrade you, as I know myself) and the more effective we will be in convincing others.

I will have more on Codevilla’s theme, and the response to it, in one venue or another, going forward.

I rarely listen to talk radio, just because of the nature of my work and other commitments, so I am not a regular listener to Mark’s show. As a result, I only found out about this recently. I have his book sitting around here somewhere, but haven’t read it.

Many thanks to Mark Levin.

Liberals See Corporate Donors To Obama As Saintliness, Donations To Republicans As Evil

Read all about it here.

The US retail chain of Target made a donation to a business friendly group that endorses Tom Emmer, the Republican candidate for Governor of Minnesota. This has gotten Liberal groups in a tizzy, particularly groups that supposedly support equal rights for people who lead alternative lifestyles.

Why would LGBT advocates get upset about this? Mainly because they claim that Mr. Emmer has made some disparaging remarks about gays in the past. (Since I have not heard of Mr. Emmer before today, I cannot say if their claims are accurate or not.)

So a group which supports pro-business candidates receives a donation from Target, and then Target is pilloried by the Left because one of the people endorsed by that group doesn’t support their agenda?

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VAT Tax Redux, New Proposal, and Barone’s piece in SF Examiner

This lonnnnng post was prompted by an email linking Michael Barone’s latest SF Examiner piece, which asks Republicans “Now what?” after assuming some strong gains in November.  I have a few ideas on the “now what?” question, and I can’t think of a better place to post them than on this excellent blog.

First, I can’t thank you all enough for the excellent commentary and critiques on my recent “Swapping a VAT for failing income tax is Good Policy” post a week or so ago.  I’ve commented on many of your ideas, and I think you’ve changed my mind on a thing or two, which you will notice below.

I wanted to follow up that post with another proposal that fixes the primary problem with going to consumption taxes, which is their impact on the working poor and middle class. One benefit of a consumption-based tax regime is that it captures money from every transaction, making every one a part of the solution to our fiscal mess.  It is also far more stable than a highly skewed progressive system that only taxes the rich. (Social Security notwithstanding)

The most difficult political and policy problem preventing the adoption of a consumption based tax system is that it places a “burden” on the working poor and middle class. (burden being interpreted both in policy and political terms)

Simply put, in a consumption tax system, the lower end of the earning spectrum pays a much greater share of their income in taxes than the rich.  Many will argue that this is “unfair.”  Leaving that argument aside, it is fair to say that this problem MUST be resolved before any politician is going to risk moving the entire system away from income taxes.

I propose such a solution in this post, beginning with my answer to Barone’s “Now What?”

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Quote of the Day

The war of Independence was virtually a second English civil war. The ruin of the American cause would have been also the ruin of the constitutional cause in England; and a patriotic Englishman may revere the memory of Patrick Henry and George Washington not less justly than the patriotic American. Burke’s attitude in this great contest is that part of his history about the majestic and noble wisdom of which there can be least dispute.

John Morley‘s life of Edmund Burke (1879)