And you see it everywhere, it is the Tea Party. And you know, there is only one way to beat and win that war. The one thing about working people is we like a good fight. And you know what? They’ve got a war, they got a war with us and there’s only going to be one winner. It’s going to be the workers of Michigan, and America. We’re going to win that war… President Obama, this is your army. We are ready to march… Everybody here’s got a vote… Let’s take these sons of bitches out and give America back to an America where we belong.
Is it sexist that he left out the daughters of bitches? Maybe he is afraid to make the girls mad.
But, have no worries. The foregoing quotation was meant in the nicest possible way.
It would be paranoid and provocative to suggest that an “army” “marching” to “fight” and “win” a “war” by “taking out” the “sons of bitches” so that “Mr. Obama’s army” is the “only winner” was anything more than strictly metaphorical.