Palin … Palin?

OK, I now think I was wrong.

I now think she is running.

This article is pretty convincing.

One experienced observer, seeing the Palin operation in Iowa, says this:

“They are very organized, and the team they have in place is unlike anything I’ve ever seen in this state before — and I’m totally impressed by the way they’ve gone about it,” she said. “It’s going to be a major upset if she gets in because I think these people are very underestimated.”

Maybe this really is all just hype, to sell books. But it is looking more and more like an extremely unorthodox but serious effort.

Say this for the GOP nomination race: It is first rate political theatre. A thrill and a chill a minute.

Maybe it will even produce a candidate that can beat Mr. Obama.

God bless America.

Quote of the Day: John Robb

Global transition points like this are so rare, it’s a great time to be alive.

John Robb

Right on. Yes. Yes.

More of this type of thinking, please.

If I could live at any time in history it would be now.

(If you are not a regular reader of Mr. Robb’s Global Guerrillas, get that way.)

(Also check out Mr. Robb’s way cool new Wiki MiiU, which is all about resilience. I eagerly await his book on resilient communities.)

(Here is an xcellent John Robb talk about open source ventures, but full disclosure, a lot of it sailed over my head.)

(And if you have not read his book, Brave New War: The Next Stage of Terrorism and the End of Globalization, go get it.)

Friends, please let me know in the comments, on a scale of 1 to 5, strongly disagree to strongly agree, how you respond to this quote. Put me down as a 5, obviously enough.

Paul Ryan

Michael Barone says it looks like he is running. (Citing this.)

WAY cool.

I was starting to get bummed.

To brutally oversimplify, the lay of the land was looking like this to me:

1. Michele cannot do it.

2. Mitt sucks.

3. Rick is Mitt in a cowboy hat — my second impression, subject to further revision.

4. The race is over for the rest of them.

But Paul Ryan. Now, him (I think) I could get behind.

Back in June I was hoping he would get in.

I eagerly await the debate between Ryan and Obama.

Hope and Change? Meet the snake!

We have had some queries about this image.

Permission is hereby granted for anyone to use this Gadsden 2012 logo for any reason whatsoever including commercial use.

(Note that Liberty Jane had a lot of stuff for sale using this image. I got a bumper sticker and a t-shirt both of which I like very much.)

This is What Democracy Looks Like

GOP Retains WI Senate.

Dems picked up 2. They needed 3.

(Next week: 2 of their fleebaggers are up. Looks like we will get 1. )

$30 million of union dues down the rat hole.

An all out effort by the unions, by the Left, by the media, to undo an election, by all means fair and foul.

Fail. Massive fail.

The people have spoken. Again.

Get used to it.

Next: More rollback.

Here, there and everywhere.

Today Madison, tomorrow DC.

Today Wisconsin, tomorrow America.

I can see 2012 from my house.

Hope and Change? Meet the snake.

UPDATE: Michael Barone crunches the numbers. Despite everything, the Ds are weaker in Wisco than they were in 2008. This bodes well for the recall elections next week and any recall effort against Gov. Walker.

UPDATE II: Lots of good detail here. One of the GOP defeats was candidate-centric: The guy cheated on his wife and made an ass of himself. A loss is a loss, but that particular race was apparently not a referendum on much of anything substantive. The overall vote was 53/47 GOP/Dem. That is solid.