Avoid Intellectual Dehydration

Satisfy your thirst for knowledge by reading Chicagoboyz!

There is Still Hope for Barbra Streisand

If mice can grow human brain cells, maybe she can, too.

Let’s All Take In the Big Picture

Day by Day has been on top of the Brit clothed Move-On ad, but now he’s analyzing Dean’s long-term strategy.

Harry Hutton reports from Medellin, where he points out quite cheerfully the murder rate has dropped from 3,450 in 2002 to a mere 812 this year, which “is still safer than going over the Niagara Falls in a barrel.” Of course, as he points out, life on death row (2% death rate) is a good deal safer than as a street dealer (7% death rate).

We can thank Muir & Hutton for context; it helps us with the big decisions.

Attention Chicagoboyz Commenters

Here are your instructions.

(Via Dr. Helen, via SHRINKETTE.)

Your Fall Television Lineup!

7:00 Wealthy Ironic Teenagers

8:00 Witches

8:30 Vaguely Leftist Mystical Bullshit

9:00 Young Doctors Having Sex

9:30 CSI Berkeley

10:00 Extreme Quarrelling Neighbors

11:00 Lawsuit TV

[. . .]