Yes, being shot will certainly cure your flu for life. There ought to be better alternatives, if you ask me.
Some Chicago Boyz know each other from student days at the University of Chicago. Others are Chicago boys in spirit. The blog name is also intended as a good-humored gesture of admiration for distinguished Chicago School economists and fellow travelers.
Yes, being shot will certainly cure your flu for life. There ought to be better alternatives, if you ask me.
WRT this, all I can say is that you heard it here first.
This is from Heidi McDonald who is right now attending the Comic-Con in San Diego:
The oddest incident of the night was a Hyatt bartender telling two English guests that their passports weren’t adequate ID to get a drink. “You’re going to need to fix those,” said the vigilant barkeep. “In California you need to have ID that gives a description. You need a driver’s license.” He took pity on them and gave them one drink “this time.”
The English drinkers were understandably daunted by the prospect of having to get Californian driver’s licenses before the end of the show, and quite sensibly went back to their room to drink.
Is this a Californian speciality, or even just one of the Hyatt in San Diego, or do I have to apply to drivers’s licences in all 50 states now, just in case I want to drink in a bar? That wasn’s the case in the last decade, but times might have changed.