From Newsweek via Instapundit:
Belief in god, like getting pregnant, is a private matter between consenting adults (or one consenting adult and one or more deities) and is no one else’s business. I am on record in this blog (and have not budged an inch) as not objecting to any candidate’s religious views.
But I object strongly when anyone (and especially anyone with political power) tries to take their theology out in public, to inflict those private religious (or sexual) views on other people. In both sex and religion (which combine in the debates about abortion), Sarah Palin’s views make me fear that the Republican party has finally lost its mind.
I am a pro-choice atheist but the utter massive hypocrisy of the leftists’ conceit that they do not impose their “private” values on others nauseates me. Leftist political doctrines, especially those involving sex, boil down to nothing but the imposition by state coercion of minority values on the majority.