Another Time Machine: More 1930s/1940s Color Photos

A slide show of depression-era Kodachromes made by government-sponsored photographers appears in the NYT Sunday magazine. Like the images in the Charles W. Cushman Photograph Collection, to which I linked in a previous post, the NYT images are remarkable for showing in color scenes we are accustomed to seeing only in monochrome.

UPDATE: The complete photo collection at the Library of Congress is here.



Views From The Past

I’m feeling kind of blogged out and decided to post something different. I’ve been going through a batch of family photos that no one has looked at in years. It’s like a time capsule. A few of the pictures may be of general interest. I really like the ones below. A relative of mine made them when President Nixon visited Jerusalem in 1974.

parade route
Parade route with Monastery of the Cross in background.

Rehavia street
I don’t know where this was. It may have been across the street from the prime minister’s residence.

outside the PM's residence
Outside the prime minister’s residence.
