Investigations To-Do List

Regarding my previous post, I want J6 investigations to determine the numbers that engaged in the following:

  1. Attacked the defensive perimeter between the Capitol grounds and the area of the permitted Capitol protest
  2. Of those cited above, those who did and did not enter the Capitol grounds, and those who did and did not enter the Capitol building
  3. Engaged in assault to gain access to the Capitol building itself, or to areas within
  4. Other assaults by civilians
  5. Engaged in vandalism to gain access to the Capitol building or to areas within
  6. Other vandalism
  7. Entered the Capitol through unattended doorway (e.g. Chansley and his entourage)
  8. Entered the capitol through attended doorway with permission
  9. Accessed the Capitol grounds by climbing the west wall
  10. Of those cited above, those who did and did not enter the Capitol building (my own impression is that most were content to stay outside)
  11. Attempted to approach lawmakers while inside Capitol
  12. Did not attempt to approach lawmakers while inside Capitol
  13. All convictions of nonviolent persons who were never on Capitol grounds
  14. Capitol defenders lobbing tear gas canisters into the area of the permitted Capitol protest
  15. Capitol defenders lobbing tear gas elsewhere
  16. Assaults by non-civilians not involving tear gas

And now, on to other investigations the Trump administration or other parties should undertake.

The Viktor Shokin affair. As stated in my September 30 post, at one time the State Department was satisfied with Shokin’s law enforcement efforts, but changed its tune without explanation. An investigation must root out how this change in policy came about, and whether it relied on faulty and/or fraudulent intelligence – and also whether any government officials other than Joe Biden played a role in Shokin’s firing. Much of the information may be relevant to another needed investigation: origins of the first Trump impeachment.

Domestic spying on the Trump campaign. There are still many questions, including the identity of the Federal agent who went by the alias Azra Turk to accompany Josef Mifsud in the alleged sting operation against George Papadopoulos.

White House COVID task force. For the sake of transparency, investigate the entire task force, with emphasis on Mike Pence, Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, and Francis Collins. Special emphasis on communications regarding the Barrington Declaration.

The Michael Cohen plea bargain. Cohen was strongarmed into pleading guilty to violating campaign finance laws. This eventually played a role in setting up the prosecution’s strategy in the “hush money” trial. Emails of all persons involved in the plea bargain and the Federal officials who migrated to Alvin Bragg’s office must be thoroughly examined.

Review of all White House internal communications. This should be done after any presidential transition anyway, to maximize transparency between the outgoing and incoming administration. Of particular interest are any communications addressing Joe Biden’s cognitive state, and any evidence of decisions attributed to him that were actually initiated by someone else.

The Afghanistan retreat, Jack Smith’s probes. Obligatory mentions.

Mar-A-Lago raid. Investigate the raid itself, the planning behind it, and all communications between Trump and the National Archives. Someone refresh my memory…weren’t there seized documents that had been delivered to Trump by the Archives (or another agency) prior to the raid?

7 thoughts on “Investigations To-Do List”

  1. I think the government overstepped so horribly – two-tier justice sorts of overstepping – that the process ought not be rescued by deciding now that “John trespassed, but Susan was on THAT side of the line, and Bill only took a pencil he found on the floor . . .”.

    It ought to be thrown out, with everyone involved freed and recompensed.

  2. Given the FBI’s role, this case is chockfull ofl fruit-of-the-poisoned-tree and should be thrown out entirely. All J6 arrestees should be released and compensated on a per-diem basis for their illegal captivity.

  3. Prolly shouldn’t be too hasty. If it’s true that some of the “insurrectionists” were agents provocateur, those individuals should not be pardoned.

  4. It would be greatly appreciated if you used the more accurate word “citizen” rather than “civilian”. When SanFranNan turned down the offer of the National Guard, it guaranteed that everyone there was a civilian.

    Remember that police and state troopers are also civilians, they simply happen to be the ones charged with enforcing the laws as a job. They are not military (as much as some of them love to think that they are), they are simply citizens designated with special powers (granted to them conditionally by the other citizens) to have pursuit and arrest powers.

    Go read Sir Robert Peel’s “Principles”.

  5. most of the agent provocateurs, were not charged, or got off with minor offenses, Chris Miller in his capacity as acting Pentagon chief, did not forward the request for troops, his memoir
    has a slightly bemused attitude, toward that day, but he doesn’t dispel the subterfuge

    his excuse was the event of the previous summer and fall of 2020, which doesn’t really ring as legitimate, the admissions of General Milley made to Jeff Goldberg, re the hinge point of January 6th, inadvertently against interest, suggests the length of the conspiracy, the moving of the Michigan SAC D’Antonio, behind the Whitmer plot, is another ring in the plot

  6. Regarding investigating WH internal communications, I have particular interest in the planning of the Red Speech. Who came up with that idea? Was anyone sane enough to question the optics?

    C-SPAN has the full speech here. Comments were not disabled. My favorite: “kudos to the guy who decided to frame Biden like a villain from an anime with the lighting choice.”

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