Tony Blankley’s editorial analysis of Thornburgh’s firm’s investigative whitewash of the CBS News Rathergate scandal is brilliant and persuasive.
Some Chicago Boyz know each other from student days at the University of Chicago. Others are Chicago boys in spirit. The blog name is also intended as a good-humored gesture of admiration for distinguished Chicago School economists and fellow travelers.
Tony Blankley’s editorial analysis of Thornburgh’s firm’s investigative whitewash of the CBS News Rathergate scandal is brilliant and persuasive.
Not all Hispanics are thrilled at open borders, any more than they all were dedicated to bilingual education. But the Republicans’ greatest failing on this and other issues, going back through several administrations, has been an unwillingness to take their case to the public. On Social Security, for example, they need to spell out that privatization means more total investment, creating more future income from which to pay future pensions.
Too often Republicans have been willing to make backroom compromises with the Democrats, instead of going to the public, as Ronald Reagan did. With the Democrats becoming ever more obstructionist, it is long past time for Republicans to try Plan B.
(via Val Dorta)
So Armstrong Williams, a columnist for the Washington Post, was paid by the Bush administration to say nice things about one of their social programs. In the blogosphere, The Daily Kos and Oliver Willis are gleefully trumpeting how this proves the Republicans are just plain corrupt, which seems odd considering that they both get paid by the Democrats to shill for them.
Whatever. Blogs aren’t supposed to be non-partisan, and there’s plenty of ethical questions that arise when someone working for Big Media takes cash in return for slanting their work. But I do wonder if people are getting real value for their money.
While writing the post below, I was reminded of this op-ed by US News and World Report columnist Gloria Borger. She’s talking about how some people are trying too hard to find criticism with the current administration, which will probably hurt them in the long run.
From Dennis Prager, one of my favorite op/ed writers:
Wish No. 2: The ACLU will create a leftist Boy Scouts.
The ACLU and other leftist groups are highly accomplished at destroying good institutions such as the Boy Scouts. But they rarely build good institutions. So instead of trying to destroy the Boy Scouts — because the Scouts require its members to make an oath to God and country and because the Scouts believe that boys and men who publicly announce they are sexually attracted only to males should not be Scouts — the ACLU should build something for boys in the image of its values. Since it is so easy to destroy, dear leftists, why not try to build? Start perhaps with a Progressive Boy Scouts that will have no oaths to God and will welcome all males who announce they are homosexual. Then one day we will see which Boy Scouts produces better people.