The Oxygen Crisis!

OMG! We’re  exhausting  the planet’s oxygen supply by not being Marxist and letting intellectuals run everything!

I’m really hoping that’s some kind of any-idiot-can-post section of the Guardian.

It does raising an interesting side-point. Burning carbon-based fuels does consume oxygen. Conversely, the production of oxygen consumes CO2. If CO2 levels rise then oxygen levels have to decrease. Now the change in oxygen levels will not be large. CO2 comprises only a tiny part of the total atmosphere. The current hysteria is caused by raising CO2 from  0.028% to 0.038%. Oxygen comprises 21% of the atmosphere, so the decrease in oxygen would be trivial but still measurable.  

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Frozen Vortex

Check out this  bizarre  natural phenomenon. Make sure to play the movie.  

Stable vortexes form at the ends of bends in rivers as the water that  accelerates  on the outside of a bend collides with the slower-moving water that  traversed  the inside of the bend. The velocity sheer produces a vortex. Apparently, an ice pan formed in the center of the stable vortex and then slowly grew until it reached the turbulent edge of the vortex. The turbulence at the edge prevented ice from forming leaving a lubricating liquid layer that lets the ice pan rotate in the vortex.  
