The GOP is prepping the battlefield badly II.

It’s Easier to Blame Congress:

Whereas the 1995 shutdowns involved presidential vetoes, a 2011 version could result from Congressional failure to send the president a continuing resolution in the first place. The blame will thus fall on Capitol Hill instead of the White House. True, Democrats control the Senate and would arguably share responsibility for a deadlock. But as was the case 16 years ago, a gifted communicator sits in the White House and sets the tone for his fellow Democrats. Together, they will point the finger at the G.O.P. If the Republicans are as splintered as they were in 1995, they will again lose the war of perceptions.


Part I here.

The GOP is prepping the battlefield badly.

Senate Democrat Leader Harry Reid has yet to offer a plan and instead almost seems as though he’s hoping for a government shutdown to occur for political gain.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor


The Obama-Reid game plan is to re-run 1995: shut down the government, blame the Republicans, have the MSM show pictures of weeping old ladies who are not getting their checks. Then undo the results of 2010. Then reelect Obama in 2012. Everything is proceeding according to schedule. Count on it.

It ain’t no almost.

Cantor should not be so polite.

The public is not yet prepared for a government showdown. Most people do not know it is coming. The GOP is not warning the public, getting the word out, and assigning blame early.

The GOP is prepping the battlefield badly.

“It’s not 1995 anymore. Things are different now.”

But are things different enough?

I don’t like the way this is shaping up.

Mitch Daniels at CPAC

My man Mitch. Do, please, RTWT. It is all good. Some snippets:

We believe that government works for the benefit of private life, and not the other way around. We see government’s mission as fostering and enabling the important realms our businesses, service clubs, Little Leagues, churches to flourish. Our first thought is always for those on life’s first rung, and how we might increase their chances of climbing. …
We have broadened the right of parents to select the best place for their children’s education to include every public school, traditional or charter, regardless of geography, tuition-free. And before our current legislature adjourns, we intend to become the first state of full and true choice by saying to every low and middle-income Hoosier family, if you think a non-government school is the right one for your child, you’re as entitled to that option as any wealthy family; here’s a voucher, go sign up. …
An affectionate thank you to the major social welfare programs of the last century, but their sunsetting when those currently or soon to be enrolled have passed off the scene. The creation of new Social Security and Medicare compacts with the young people who will pay for their elders and who deserve to have a backstop available to them in their own retirement. …
Medicare 2.0 should restore to the next generation the dignity of making their own decisions, by delivering its dollars directly to the individual, based on financial and medical need, entrusting and empowering citizens to choose their own insurance and, inevitably, pay for more of their routine care like the discerning, autonomous consumers we know them to be. …
The second worst outcome I can imagine for next year would be to lose to the current president and subject the nation to what might be a fatal last dose of statism. The worst would be to win the election and then prove ourselves incapable of turning the ship of state before it went on the rocks, with us at the helm. …

Mitch is my front-runner.

Is it too early to put up a yard sign?

UPDATE: Audio.

Chicago Tea Party Meeting: Tonight

The Chicago Tea Party meeting is tonight, February 9 at 7:00 PM at Blackie’s, 755 S. Clark, Chicago.

The discussion will focus on opposing the Illinois state tax increase. A worthy cause indeed.

Register here.

Update: NEXT CHICAGO TEA PARTY MEETING: Wednesday, February 9, 2011

[Note: The date has been changed from February 2 to February 9, due to the predicted Biblical-scale blizzard.]

The next Chicago Tea Party meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 9 at 7:00 PM at Blackie’s, 755 S. Clark, Chicago.

“If you’re outraged over the 67% income tax increase and the 46% corporate income tax increase in Illinois, then please join us at our next meeting. Our featured speaker will be John Tillman, CEO of the Illinois Policy Institute. We will discuss our efforts to repeal the tax hike and reform out of control government spending. Find out what you can do to help make a difference.”

Register here.