Wisconsin Makes A Move On Illinois Business

Our new Governor (Wisconsin) Scott Walker has signed legislation giving businesses that relocate to Wisconsin two years “free” – no corporate OR personal income taxes:

MADISON (WKOW) — Governor Scott Walker has signed a bill that gives income tax breaks for companies that relocate to Wisconsin.

The bill will forgive corporate and personal taxes for two years for companies that move to the state. The company could not have been located in Wisconsin for at least two years in order to qualify

I think they mean personal income taxes such as if you were running the company as a pass through like an LLC. I assume that is what they are talking about. Any way you slice it, this is fantastic news.

This got through the legislature with lightning speed, helped out by the fact that all three of our branches are Republican controlled now up here behind the cheddar curtain. I also read today that the public employee unions are getting ready for some very bad news for them in the near future.

We have just begun with the Walker administration, but I am very hopeful and happy by this stroke. Walker also sent back the Obama buck$ that would have started out the sham “high speed” rail network that would have been a boondoggle for the ages.

We may as well pick off what is left of the Illinois corpse before other states do.

Hopefully Walker will end up being a star like some other up and comers such as Mitch Daniels of Indiana.

The End of the Tai-ping Rebellion

In an earlier post, I mentioned the excellent old book The “Ever Victorious Army”: A History of the Chinese Campaign under Lt.-Col. C.G. Gordon, C.B., R.E., and of the Suppression of the Tai-Ping Rebellion by Andrew Wilson (1868). The author, Wilson, at key points in the book, reaches an almost poetic intensity in his prose.

The tragic story of the Tai-ping Rebellion is little known in the USA. Yet the wholesale devastation it inflicted on China, killing over 20 million people during 14 years of internal warfare and anarchy, makes it the largest military event of the 19th Century.

The founder and ruler of the Tai-ping movement, Hung Sew-tsuen, was exposed to foreign missionaries who showed him a Chinese translation of the Bible. After failing to pass the examination to enter the Mandarinate, he went into a trance, had a vision, and believed himself to be the younger brother of Jesus. Conditions in China were disorderly, and he believed himself to be Heaven’s instrument to rectify the wrongs and bring peace and justice and prosperity back to China. He convinced others of his status and mission. He raised an army and overran many provinces and cities. But instead of restoring harmony in the Flowery Land, he and his rampaging subordinates (called wangs, or kings) brought only death, famine, destruction and chaos. In the closing years of the rebellion Hung Sew-tsuen was besieged in Nanjing by the Imperialist forces of the Manchu Emperor.

As dangers gathered round him, Hung Sew-tsuen, the Heavenly Monarch, became more cruel in his edicts, and ordered any of his people who might be found communicating with the enemy to be flayed alive or pounded to death; but even he could no longer conceal from himself the fact that the days of his reign and of his life had drawn to a close. It would be interesting to know what were the last thoughts of this extraordinary man when he found himself in these circumstances. Did he still believe that he was a favourite of heaven, and authorised representative of Deity on earth, or had he in his last hours some glimpse of the true nature of the terrible and cruel destiny which he had had to fulfil? Surely as his thoughts reverted to the simple Hakka village of his youth, he must have known that his path over the once peaceful and happy Flowery Land could be traced by flames and rapine and bloodshed, involving a sum of human wretchedness such as had never before lain to the account of the most ferocious scourge of mankind. Where there had been busy cities, he had left ruinous heaps; where fruitful fields, a desolate wilderness; “wild beasts, descending from their fastnesses in the mountains, roamed at large over the land, and made their dens in the ruins of deserted towns; the cry of the pheasant usurped the place of the hum of busy populations; no hands were left to till the soil, and noxious weeds covered the ground once tilled with patient industry.” Even, as has been remarked, the very physical features of the country, owing to neglect of the embankment of great rivers, had been largely changed by his destructive career. And, after all this ruin and misery, what had the Tai-ping movement come to at last but the restoration of Imperial rule in China, while a cloud of fear and wrath hung over the doomed city in which the king and priest and prophet of the Great Peace anticipated death in the midst of his trembling women and the remnant of his ferocious soldiery.

Read more

The Illinois Tax Increase: “Legislators ought to hang their heads over awful income tax deal”

There will come a time when all sides can dispassionately discuss the great Illinois income tax deal of 2011.
Today is not that day.
Today is a day for anger. Our Springfield leaders have failed us in producing a one-sided monstrosity that will cause true pain, avoids needed decisions, makes it markedly harder to get a job in a state with too few and, worst of all, won’t really solve the state’s fundamental budget problems.
I wish this normally left-leaning blogger could report otherwise. I can’t. This one is indefensible.

Greg Hinz gives the horrible details.

As our colleage Carl from Chicago so aptly puts it: Stone-cold redistributionists run our state.

Greg Hinz concludes:

So, the folks who run Springfield can talk about how they made the tough decision. But, I think, they instead acted like another fellow who just decided to grab everything he could get. That would be Todd Stroger, father of the nation’s highest sales tax and, as of this writing, the former president of the Cook County Board.
We’ll have to see how the taxpayers of Illinois react. But if this taxpayer is typical, watch out.

Greg is right. But it is a long time until the next election.

“Illinois Passes A Huge 66% Tax Hike, And Governors Around The Country Are Making Fun Of It.”

Hating this.

UPDATE: Republicans unanimously opposed the tax hikes.. That should be a big “no duh.” In Illinois, though, it is a relief and a surprise.

Good. The Ds own this.

Meanwhile, Wisconsin will aggressively court jobs.

Call Now to Stop the Illinois Tax Hike

These are the six Republicans who are still reported as potential votes for the tax hike.

Roger Eddy (217) 558-1040
Ronald Wait (217) 782-0548
Dave Winters (217) 782-0455
Bob Biggins (217) 782-6578
Dale Risinger (217) 782-1942
Larry Bomke (217) 782-0228

Details here: Six Springfield Republicans May Sell Out Party To Pad Their Future Pensions.

Contact your state senator or representative if you have not already done so. Tell them you are opposed to any tax increase.

UPDATE AT 4:15 pm cst: “Within the past hour, the Illinois House Revenue Committee voted out on a 7-5 party line vote a bill which will raise individual tax rates to 5%. Corporate rates will rise to 7%. We expect a vote on the House Floor on this bill within the next two hours.”

CALL NOW if you have not done so.