Chicagoboyz Contact Email

Our new support email address appears near the top right side of each page and also near our comment-posting windows. Email sent to this address will be automatically forwarded to our crack overseas helpdesk team. They can’t speak English but they guarantee to solve your commenting problems in five minutes or less or you get double your money back.* Or maybe one of us here on the blog will check his email once in a while and try to give you a hand. From now on nothing will stand in the way of Chicagoboyz readers who yearn to leave elegant, insightful, well reasoned comments!

Oh yeah, our contact email is: support at [the name of this blog] dot net

*This is not true.

Bread Alone

Via Instapundit comes a discussion on whether the riots in France, and the general breakdown of law and order in some sections of other European countries, are primarily the result of Islamo-facism, runaway multiculturalism or the welfare-state. All three factors play into the problem but I think the primary driver is the welfare state.

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Rant: Stupid Email Formatting

I just booked a flight online. I printed the confirmation email and it went 16 pages, mostly full of HTML garbage, before I stopped it.

When all email was plain text messages could be read by any email software. The widespread move to HTML formatting has been a step backward. In exchange for nice formatting we get software-compatibility issues, spam and occasional malicious code. People like me who prefer plain-text email clients have to be careful when we print messages. Forwarding or replying to HTML email involves extra editing to delete the HTML code. (If you don’t delete it, any exchange of more than a couple of messages becomes difficult to read and the message file balloons in size.) Popular email software uses HTML formatting by default; asking correspondents to deactivate it is an exercise in futility.

Increasingly I am using webmail interfaces to screen my mail. Let someone else’s server deal with the HTML crap, image-attached spam and viruses. I still use a 1995 version of Eudora Light to download the email that I actually want, but I feel like a Luddite. Email used to be plain, easy and smart. Now it is often pretty, complex and stupid. I can live without this kind of progress.