“Can you govern yourself, or do you need a Federal Czar to govern your life for you?”
That question should be asked of every interested person who might vote in the next few elections. Everyone.
“Can you find a doctor, a light-bulb, or control the flow of your toilet, or should one of our Federal Czars take that decision out of your hands?”
When framed in this fashion, the answers to these questions probably have a 75-25 pro-freedom response rate, even in today’s electorate.
This “frame” (see Lakoff and Overton Window) articulates the central message that all Republicans, conservative Democrats, the Tea Parties/Patriots, as well as the think tank types should be shouting from the hilltops.
Once brought to consciousness in this philosophical context, virtually every “self-government” policy initiative can be promoted on the foundation of “self-government”. Most Americans are hard-wired to agree with the conservative view on this.