Blog Changes

-Added two more Chicago boys to the blog header. Also linked the photos there, so now you can click and learn more.

-Reorganized slightly the “Frequently Viewed” links.

-Updated my photo links with a bunch of new images, organized in Photoshop galleries that are easier to look at than my home-made html pages. I also re-edited some of the better pics in the archives, most of which I initially posted before I knew anything about Photoshop. I’ll probably eventually re-edit more of these older photos.

-Made a change in the blog’s style sheets, in response to a suggestion, to make the blog easier to look at in Netscape 6X and 7X. I initially coded the blog’s template by kludging together a lot of stuff without really knowing what I was doing. So if you see anything that could be easily improved, I would be grateful if you would share this information with me.

Thanks, and thanks for reading.


just baked

“Chicago is an intellectual and moral cesspool.”

Holy cow! No wonder the world is falling apart. The above quote and many similar bons mots are found in this steaming pile of verbal dung (thanks to Jay Manifold for alerting us).

Chicago routinely trained me and numerous other students to become ruthless and unprincipled Machiavellians. That is precisely why so many neophyte Neo-con students gravitated towards the University of Chicago or towards Chicago Alumni at other universities. The University of Chicago became the “brains” behind the Bush Jr. Empire and his Ashcroft Police State. Attorney General John Ashcroft received his law degree from the University of Chicago in 1967. Many of his “lawyers” at the Department of Injustice are members of the right-wing, racist, bigoted, reactionary, and totalitarian Federalist Society (aka “Feddies”), which originated in part at the University of Chicago.

Although miseducated at Yale and Harvard Business School, the “Ivies” proved to be too liberal for Bush Jr. and his fundamentalist Christian supporters, whose pointman and spearcarrier in the Bush Jr. administration was Ashcroft, a Fundie himself. The Neo-cons and the Fundies contracted an “unholy alliance” in support of Bush Jr. across the board. For their own different reasons, both groups also worked hand-in-hand to support Israel’s genocidal Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, an internationally acknowledged war criminal. Strange bedfellows indeed.

According to his own public estimate and boast before the American Enterprise Institute, President Bush Jr. hired about 20 Straussians to occupy key positions in his administration, many holding offices where they could push American foreign policy in favor of Israel and against its chosen enemies such as Iraq, Iran, Syria, and the Palestinians. . .

The Left once again demonstrates that the art of self-parody is alive and well.

What Do Iraq and the California Governor’s Recall Have in Common?

They are both mainly about accountability. Sure, there are plenty of problems in the new Iraq. But such issues are secondary to the main goal of our invasion, which was to depose Saddam Hussein. We understood that making Hussein accountable for his threats and depredations was the key, not only to pacifying Iraq but also to reducing the threat (by increasing the expected cost) of aggression by North Korea, Iran and other hostile opportunists.

Similarly, recalling CA Gov. Gray Davis isn’t mainly about finding a replacement with better policy ideas. It’s about making Davis accountable for his incompetence and thereby encouraging elected officials to behave better in the future. It’s unfortunate if Arnold Schwarzenegger (assuming he’ll be Davis’s replacement) doesn’t have a good program but that’s secondary to punishing Davis. CA voters who support the recall in large numbers seem to understand this, as do members of the political class who oppose it.

In situations like these, often the fastest way to figure out whether to support a particular course of action is to look at who opposes it. You can’t go far wrong with a foreign policy whose opponents are mainly dictators, anti-American European politicians and leftist whackos. Nor as a rule will you go wrong backing domestic policies that are opposed by incumbent pols, establishment journalists, unions and big-business go-along-to-get-along types.

Françoise Hardy and Other Groovy 60s Gals

Françoise Hardy

I was riding in a cab from the airport, and I had a Francophone African cab driver. He had a lot of trouble figuring out where Oak Park was. But I forgave him because he had a totally excellent tape of some French women singing pop songs and country western songs. I tried to get him to tell me who it was singing and his linguistic debility was a real obstacle. I tried to write down what he was trying to tell me. The one name I correctly got out of him was Françoise Hardy. I looked her up and bought The Vogue Years. It is a good record, with a nice period sound. (I may buy another one from her late ’60s period — any tips?)

As it happens, she was a hugely popular figure in the ‘60s, and I’m surprised I never heard of her. She was apparently the Queen of French pop. The site I linked to above, “All Over the World” is absolutely smashing, a real labor of love. See for example the page of Magazine covers. (The picture above is from there.) How much effort must have gone into pulling that collection together? Mlle Hardy was clearly one of the great beauties of the age, in addition to making some pretty fine records. Her cool, unsmiling, aloof look, to say nothing of her understated but hip fashion sense, goes along well with her her musical style. Moreover, she was part of a scene which is well documented on the ye-ye girls website. This site, too is an incredible thing, another labor of love. After poking around on the Net a little bit, I think I’m going to get a France Gall (and here) record next. (Again, any tips?)

While I’m at it, if you are a fan of 60s style and pop culture, you must check out the Swinging Chicks of the ‘60s website. Lots of cool stuff. It reminded me of the altogether wonderful Julie Newmar — whose chief claim to fame was playing Catwoman on the old Batman TV show. Damn she was beautiful. I thought so when I was about six years old, and I think so now. TV has really declined since those days, baby.