3 thoughts on “Fashion Notes”

  1. I too enjoy the Manalo. He is so very humorous. I always leave his blog smiling and happy of heart.

    And I too must also confess to noticing women’s shoes. This was not always the case, but raising daughters has educated me to the finer points of womens fashion. Or to be more precise, THEY have educated me. I am now, after many of training, sufficiently educated that I am now ocassionaly invited to go shopping with them – and unbelieveable as this sounds – my opinion is actually sought and considered.

    I don’t think I could take the stress of having to coordinate and accessorize every time I dressed. I am thankful that I can still wear a pair of black Bostonians with almost anything and they look fine. But I’ll admit that a woman in a tasteful and sexy pair of shoes will now turn my head. So in that sense, my daughters have taught me to see and appreciate. And I’m grateful.

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