Full Moon

Some Chicago Boyz know each other from student days at the University of Chicago. Others are Chicago boys in spirit. The blog name is also intended as a good-humored gesture of admiration for distinguished Chicago School economists and fellow travelers.
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Red Light District?
A bike lying on its side. Great picture. What jkind of exposure and ISO did you use?
1.5 seconds @6400. It’s blurred and noisy but at this size it’s almost good enough to post on a blog ;)
I’ve used a collapsable tripod for shots longer than 1/50 second. For 50 yeARS. Shots inside churches of altars lit by candles. Ceilings. Sound and light shows. Things that never move. I like to use prevailing light so that the picture looks exactly like it really is.
Like I said, it’s great ;)
Btw, did you brighten it up some? I only can see the tripod now.
ISO 6400? That’s a pretty good DSLR you have there.
The pictures from the tripod are better ;)
6400 is old tech. The new ones give clear pics from a dark closet.
Well, I haven’t got a DSLR and haven’t followed the newest ternds, so 6400 seems pretty good to me. ;)