6 thoughts on “America 3.0: Video of Michael Lotus Appearance on CLTV Politics Tonight”

  1. Nice interview Lex. And congrats on the publication of your book. It’s on my book pile, waiting to be read.

    I wish I shared your optimism. All I seem to see around me is the emergence of a tyrannical, bureaucratic, self interested police state, hyper enabled by technology. I think they’d put us in prison camps before they gave up power and their corrupt ways of life.

    I hope I’m wrong.

  2. tyrannical, bureaucratic, self interested police states are more brittle than they look. The current regime is not yet a police state, and it is already running out of money.

    “I think they’d put us in prison camps before they gave up power and their corrupt ways of life.”

    They are going to lose their power and corrupt way of life because they are unsustainable, not because they want to, and because political movements are forming to demand reform.

    Hopefully, the incumbent insiders won’t try to put anybody in prison camps. Sometimes would-be tyrants are restrained not out of benevolence but out of fear of what will happen if a power-grab fails. That is probably going to be the dynamic here as well. The legal and political processes can still be made to work.

    If you read the book and like it, please post a review on Amazon.

  3. I agree with Dan. I thought you and the interviewer had a very engaging, interesting conversation about the book and your ideas.

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