The ghost of database past

Section 2, Amendment XIV:

Section 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

Article I, Section 2, U.S. Constitution:

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.

For working on the paternal genealogy of Howard Ira Milligan, my mother’s father, U.S. Census records have proved to be an important primary source.

Release of census records is governed by Title 44 (PUBLIC PRINTING AND DOCUMENTS) CHAPTER 21 (NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION) Sec. 2108 (Responsibility for custody, use, and withdrawal of records) subsection (b) as amended by Public Law 95-416 (92 Stat. 915) on October 5, 1978:

(b) With regard to the census and survey records of the Bureau of the Census containing data identifying individuals enumerated in population censuses, any release pursuant to this section of such identifying information contained in such records shall be made by the Archivist pursuant to the specifications and agreements set forth in the exchange of correspondence on or about the date of October 10, 1952, between the Director of the Bureau of the Census and the Archivist of the United States, together with all amendments thereto, now or hereafter entered into between the Director of the Bureau of the Census and the Archivist of the United States. Such amendments, if any, shall be published in the Register.

The exchange of correspondence on or about the date of October 10, 1952 was conducted by Dr. Roy V. Peel, Director, Bureau of the Census, and Wayne C. Grover, Archivist of the United States.

Peel to Grover:

Department of Commerce

Bureau of Census

Washington, D.C.

August 26, 1952
Dr. Wayne C. Grover

Archivist of the United States

Washington, D.C.
Dear Dr. Grover:
It is the policy of the Bureau of the Census to provide the maximum physical protection for the records which document its major programs, and make available to as many people as possible the information contained in such records consistent with national security and the rights of individuals concerned. With these ends in mind, we wish to make the following proposals concerning the custody, maintenance and use of the records of individuals enumerated in decennial population censuses:
The Bureau of the Census will transfer to the National Archives and Records Service:

  1. the original schedules of each decennial population census when they are no longer required by the Bureau of the Census for active statistical use and when the National Archives and Records Service can provide space and service for them;
  2. the negative microfilm of such schedules when the Bureau of the Census has obtained a positive copy of the microfilm; and
  3. the positive microfilm of these schedules when they are no longer required by the Bureau of the Census in its personal census service activities.

The Bureau of the Census desires that the National Archives and Records Service observe the following provisions pertaining to the use and maintenance of these records subsequent to their transfer:

  1. All negative microfilm copies of decennial population census schedules transferred to the National Archives and Records Service shall be preserved as the permanent records of such censuses. These negative copies will not be used as searching media or inserted in reading devices except when necessary for inspection incident to the proper maintenance of such records.
  2. The National Archives and Records Service will, upon request by the Bureau of the Census, furnish positive prints of any negative microfilm which has been transferred to the former agency. The charge for this service will be the cost of the positive film and its development, plus a service charge of not more than ten percent.
  3. At no time after the National Archives and Records Service has accepted custody of both the negative and positive microfilm copies of the schedules of a census will both negative and positive copies of that census be kept in the same city.
  4. After the lapse of seventy-two years from the enumeration date of a decennial census, the National Archives and Records Service may disclose information contained in these records for use in legitimate historical, genealogical or other worth-while research, provided adequate precautions are taken to make sure that the information disclosed is not to be used to the detriment of any of the persons whose records are involved. Prior to the lapse of time specified above, the information will be disclosed only by the Bureau of the Census from microphotographic or other records in its possession.

Please let us know if these provisions are acceptable to you. If they are, we shall make the necessary arrangements to effect the movement of records now eligible for transfer.

Sincerely yours,


Roy V. Peel,

Grover to Peel:

October 10, 1952

Dr. Roy V. Peel

Director, Bureau of the Census

Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C.
Dear Dr. Peel:
This is in reply to our offer to transfer periodically to the National Archives and Records Service the original schedules of each decennial population census when these are no longer needed for active statistical use, the negative microfilm of those population census schedules for which the Bureau of the Census possesses adequate positive microfilm copies, and the positive microfilm copies of those population census schedules which the Bureau of the Census no longer desires to retain for reference use.
In view of the established policy of the National Archives and Records Service to relieve agencies of records accumulations no longer needed for current use, and to preserve those records deemed to be of permanent value, I am, in principle, in agreement with the transfer policy stated in your letter of August 26, 1952.
I am also in agreement with the conditions you state with respect to the use and maintenance of these records

  1. that the master set of negative microfilm to be transferred shall be preserved as the permanent records of the decennial population census schedules, and that the master negatives and the positive microfilm copies shall not be kept in the same city;
  2. that the National Archives and Records Service will furnish the Bureau of the Census with positive prints of the negative microfilm whenever requested, and that the charge for such service shall not exceed the cost of the positive film and its development plus an overhead of not more than ten percent, provided, however, that the production of the initial set of positive microfilm copies of a decennial population census shall be the responsibility of the Bureau of the Census; and
  3. that after “seventy-two years from the enumeration date of a decennial census, the National Archives and Records Service may disclose information contained in these records for use in legitimate historical, genealogical or other worth-while research.”

With respect to the foregoing restrictions on disclosure of information it is understood that the applicable conditions of legitimacy will be those now in force:

  1. a searcher’s reputation as in fact a research worker or professional genealogist;
  2. a searcher’s connection with an established institution of learning or research;
  3. a searcher’s connection with the person or family whose records are desired, either by immediate relationship or by authorization; and
  4. the lapse of time since the appearance of possibly detrimental information, considered in conjunction with the legitimacy of public or scholarly interest in the factual data relating to a historical personage.

In accordance with these mutually acceptable provisions, at your convenience we are prepared to make the necessary arrangements to effect the movement of records now eligible for transfer.

Sincerely yours,

Wayne C. Grover
Archivist of the United States

Following the Grover-Peel Accord, census records are made public after 72 years. The most recent census that qualifies is the Sixteenth Census conducted in 1940.

Sixteenth Census, 1940

Lines 7-12, sheet 12A for Ward 1, Precinct 30-12, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States enumerate:


  • Street, avenue, road, etc: 13th South
  • House number (in cities and towns): 1229


  • Number of household in order of visitation: 213
  • Home owned (O) or rented (R): R
  • Value of home, if owned, or monthly rental, if rented: $12 [about $282.36 in 2013 dollars]
  • Does this household live on a farm? (Yes or No): No

Line 7 enumerates:


  • (Name of each person whose usual place of residence on April 1, 1940, was in this household): Milligan, Howard


  • Relationship of this person to the head of the household, as wife, daughter, father, mother-in-law, grandson, lodger, lodger’s wife, servant, hired hand, etc: Head


  • Sex—Male (M), Female (F): M
  • Color or race: W
  • Age at last birthday: 34
  • Marital status—Single (S), Married (M), Widowed (Wd), Divorced (D): M


  • Attended school or college anytime since March 1, 1940 (Yes or No): No
  • Highest grade of school completed: H4 [fourth year of high school]


  • If born in the United States, give State, Territory, or possession. If foreign born, give country in which birthplace was situated on January 1, 1937. Distinguish Canada-French from Canada-English and Irish Free State (Eire) from Northern Ireland: Utah


  • Citizenship of the foreign born:


In what place did this person live on April 1, 1935? For a person who, on April 1, 1935, was living in the same house as at present, enter in Column 17 “Same house,” and for one living in a different house but in the same city or town, enter “Same place”,  leaving Columns 18, 19, and 20 blank, in both instances.

  • City, town, or village having 2,500 or more inhabitants. Enter “R” for all other places: Same place
  • County:
  • State (or Territory or foreign country):
  • On a farm? (Yes or No):


  • Was this person AT WORK for pay or profit in private or nonemergency Govt. work during the week of March 24-30? (Yes or No): Yes
  • If not, was he at work on, or assigned to, public EMERGENCY WORK (WPA, NYA, CCC, etc.) during week of March 24-30 (Yes or No):
  • Was this person SEEKING WORK? (Yes or No):
  • If not seeking work, did he HAVE A JOB, business, etc.? (Yes or No):
  • Indicate whether engaged in home housework (H), in school (S), unable to work (U), or other (O):
  • Numbers of hours worked during week of March 24-30: 48
  • Trade, profession, or particular kind of work as—frame spinner, salesman, laborer, rivet heater, music teacher, etc: Policeman
  • Industry or business, as— cotton mill, retail grocery, farm, shipyard, public school: City Force
  • Number of weeks worked in 1939 (Equivalent full time weeks): 52
  • Amount of money wages or salary received (including commissions): $1,700 [about $28,286 in 2013 dollars]
  • Did the person receive income of $50 or more from sources other than money wages or salary? (Yes or No): No

Also enumerated are Milligan, Howard’s wife ____ Mary (age 30) and children ____ Marilyn (11), ____ Rodney (8), ____ Gordon (6), and ____ Arlyne (3).

Fifteenth Census, 1930

Lines 86-88, Sheet 3B, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (census district 0016) enumerate:


  • Street, avenue, road, etc: South 4th East
  • House number (in cities and towns): 1725
  • Number of dwelling house in order of visitation: 68
  • Number of household family in order of visitation: 67


  • Home owned (O) or rented (R): R
  • Value of home, if owned, or monthly rental, if rented: $22 [about $307 in 2013 U.S. dollars]
  • Radio set:
  • Does this household family live on a farm? (Yes or No): No

Line 86 enumerates:


  • (Name of each person whose usual place of residence  abode on April 1, 1940 1930, was in this household family). Enter surname first, then the given name and middle initial, if any Include every person living on April 1, 1930. Omit children born since April 1, 1930: Milligan Howard


  • Relationship of this person to the head of the family household, as wife, daughter, father, mother-in-law, grandson, lodger, lodger’s wife, servant, hired hand, etc: Head


  • Sex Male (M), Female (F): M
  • Color or race: W
  • Age at last birthday: 23
  • Marital status Single (S), Married (M), Widowed (Wd), Divorced (D) condition: M
  • Age at first marriage: 21


  • Attended school or college anytime since March 1, 1940 (Yes or No)  September 1, 1929: no
  • Whether able to read or write: yes


Place of birth of each person enumerated and of his or her parents. If born in the United States, give State, or Territory, or possession. If foreign born, give country in which birthplace was situated on January 1, 1937 is now situated. Distinguish Canada-French from Canada-English, and Irish Free State (Eire)  from Northern Ireland:

  • Person: Utah
  • Father: Iowa
  • Mother: Iowa


  • Language spoken in home before coming to the United States:


  • Year of immigration to the United States:
  • Naturalized or alien:
  • Whether able to speak English: Yes


  • Trade, profession, or particular kind of work as—frame  spinner, salesman, rivet heater riveter, music teacher, etc: Salesman
  • Industry or business, as— cotton mill, retail grocery  dry-goods store, farm, shipyard, public school, etc: Furniture Company
  • Indicate whether engaged in home housework (H), in school (S), unable to work (U), or other (O) Class of worker: W


  • Was this person AT WORK for pay or profit in private or nonemergency Govt. work during the week of March 24-30? (Yes or No) Whether actually at work yesterday (or the last regular working day): Yes
  • Was this person SEEKING WORK? (Yes or No) If not, line number on Unemployment Schedule:


  • Whether a veteran of U.S. military or naval forces: No
  • What war or expedition?:

Also enumerated are Milligan Howard’s wife ____ Mary (age 20) and daughter ____ Marilyn (rounded to 1).

Fourteenth Census, 1920

Lines 52-56, Sheet 2B for 3rd Ward, Precinct 57, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (census district 131) enumerate:


  • Street, avenue, road, etc: West 2nd North
  • House number (in cities and towns) or farm, etc: 356
  • Number of dwelling house in order of visitation: 33
  • Number of family in order of visitation: 37


  • Home owned or rented: R
  • If owned, free, or mortgaged: R

Line 55 enumerates:


  • of each person whose place of abode on April 1, 1930  January 1,1920 was in this family: ____, Howard


  • Relationship of this person to the head of the family: Son


  • Sex: M
  • Color or race: W
  • Age at last birthday: 13
  • Marital condition Single, married, widowed, or divorced: S


  • Year of immigration to the United States:
  • Naturalized or alien:
  • If naturalized, year of naturalization:


  • Attended school or college anytime since September 1, 1929 1919: Yes
  • Whether able to read: Yes
  • Whether able to write: Yes


  • Place of birth of each person enumerated and of his or her  parents of each person enumerated. If born in the United States, give the State or Territory  state or territory. If foreign born of foreign birth, give country in which birthplace is now situated the place of birth and, in addition, the mother tongue. Distinguish Canada-French from Canada-English, and Irish Free State (Eire)  from Northern Ireland:
    • Person
      • Place of Birth: Utah
      • Mother Tongue:
    • Father
      • Place of Birth: Illinois
      • Mother Tongue:
    • Mother
      • Place of Birth: Wisconsin
      • Mother Tongue:


  • Whether able to speak English: Yes
  • Trade, profession, or particular kind of work done, as spinner, salesman, riveter, laborer, teacher, etc: None
  • Industry or, business, or establishment in which at work, as cotton mill, dry-goods store, farm, shipyard, public school, etc :
  • Class of worker Employer, salary, or wage worker, or working on own account:

Also enumerated are head of household Milligan, Ida E. (age 55, widowed) and sons _____, Earl L (24), ____, Ray A (18), and Frank (11)

Line 69, Sheet 6B for 2rd Ward, Precinct 39, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (census district 2-118) enumerates:


  • Street, avenue, road, etc: 8 West
  • House number (in cities and towns) or farm, etc: 640
  • Number of dwelling house in order of visitation: 116
  • Number of family in order of visitation: 121


  • Home owned or rented: R
  • If owned, free or mortgaged:

Line 69 enumerates:


  • of each person whose place of abode on April 1, 1930 January 1, 1920 was in this family. Enter surname first, then the given name and middle initial, if any. Include every person living on April 15, 1910. Omit children born since April 15, 1910: Milligan John B [Howard’s father]


  • Relationship of this person to the head of the family: Head


  • Sex: M
  • Color or race: W
  • Age at last birthday: 57
  • Marital condition Single, married, widowed, or divorced: M overlaid by D


  • Attended school or college anytime since September 1, 1929 1919: No
  • Whether able to read: Yes
  • Whether able to write: Yes


Place of birth of each person enumerated and of his or her parents of each person enumerated. If born in the United States, give the State  state or Territory territory. If foreign born of foreign birth, give country in which birthplace is now situated the place of birth and, in addition, the mother tongue. Distinguish Canada-French from Canada-English, and Irish Free State (Eire)  from Northern Ireland:

  • Person
    • Place of Birth: Illinois
    • Mother Tongue:
  • Father
    • Place of Birth: New Jersey
    • Mother Tongue:
  • Mother
    • Place of Birth: Pennsylvania
    • Mother Tongue:


  • Year of immigration to the United States:
  • Naturalized or alien:
  • If naturalized, year of naturalization:


  • Whether able to speak English: Yes
  • Trade, profession, or particular kind of work done, as spinner, salesman, riveter, laborer, teacher, etc: Conductor (Freight)
  • Industry or, business, or establishment in which at work, as cotton mill, dry-goods store, farm, shipyard, public school, etc: Railroad
  • Class of worker Employer, salary or wage worker, or working on own account: W

Thirteenth Census, 1910

Lines 79-87, Sheet 2B for Ward 3, Election District 33, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (census district 1-125) enumerate:


  • Street, avenue, road, etc: Fifth Ward (North Temple)
  • House number or farm: 143
  • Number of dwelling house in order of visitation: 325
  • Number of family in order of visitation: 381


  • Home owned Owned or rented: R
  • If owned, Owned free or mortgaged:
  • Farm or house: H

LIne 86 enumerates:


  • of each person whose place of abode on January 1, 1920  April 15, 1919 was in this family. Enter surname first, then the given name and middle initial, if any. Include every person living on April 15, 1910. Omit children born since April 15, 1910: Howard


  • Relationship of this person to the head of the family: Son


  • Sex: M
  • Color or race: W
  • Age at last birthday: 13
  • Single Whether single, married, widowed, or divorced: S
  • Number of years of present marriage:
  • Mother of how many children
    • Number born:
    • Number now living:


Place of birth of each person and parents of each person enumerated. If born in the United States, give the state or territory. If of foreign birth, give the place of birth and, in addition, the mother tongue country.

  • Place of birth of this Person: Utah
  • Place of birth of Father of this person: Illinois
  • Place of birth of Mother of this person: Wisconsin


  • Year of immigration to the U.S:
  • Whether naturalized or alien:
  • Whether able to speak English; or, if not, give language spoken: English


  • Trade or profession of, or particular kind of work done by this person, as spinner, salesman, laborer, etc: None
  • General nature of industry, business, or establishment in which at work  this person works, as cotton mill, dry-goods store, farm, etc:
  • Whether an employer, salary, or wage worker employee, or working on own account:
  • If an employee, Whether out of work on April 15, 1910:
  • If an employee, Number of weeks out of work during 1909:


  • Whether able to read:
  • Whether able to write:
  • Attended School school or college anytime since September 1, 1919 1909:

Whether a survivor of the Union or Confederate Army or Navy:

Whether blind (both eyes):

Whether dead and dumb:

Line 79 enumerates:


  • of each person whose place of abode on January 1, 1920 April 15, 1919 was in this family. Enter surname first, then the given name and middle initial, if any. Include every person living on April 15, 1910. Omit children born since April 15, 1910: Milligan, John


  • Relationship of this person to the head of the family: Head


  • Sex: M
  • Color or race: W
  • Age at last birthday: 46
  • Single Whether single, married, widowed, or divorced: M
  • Number of years of present marriage: 19
  • Mother of how many children
    • Number born:
    • Number now living:


Place of birth of each person and parents of each person enumerated. If born in the United States, give the state or territory. If of foreign birth, give the place of birth and, in addition, the mother tongue country.

  • Place of birth of this Person: Illinois
  • Place of birth of Father of this person: New Jersey
  • Place of birth of Mother of this person: Pennsylvania


  • Year of immigration to the U.S:
  • Whether naturalized or alien:
  • Whether able to speak English; or, if not, give language spoken: English


  • Trade or profession of, or particular kind of work done by this person, as spinner, salesman, laborer, etc: Conductor
  • General nature of industry, business, or establishment in which at work  this person works, as cotton mill, dry-goods store, farm, etc: Railroad
  • Whether an employer, salary, or wage worker employee, or working on own account: W
  • If an employee, Whether out of work on April 15, 1910: no
  • If an employee, Number of weeks out of work during 1909: 0


  • Whether able to read: yes
  • Whether able to write: yes
  • Attended School school or college anytime since September 1, 1919 1909:

Whether a survivor of the Union or Confederate Army or Navy: 0

Whether dead and dumb: 5

Whether blind (both eyes): x

Also enumerated are wife Ida (age 44, mother of 7, with 7 surviving) and sons Edward (19), Earl (17), Jack (14), Fred (12), Ray (9), and Frank (2)

Twelfth Census, 1900

Lines 22-27, Sheet 15 for Rawlins City, Carbon, Wyoming, United States (census district 300-13) enumerate:


    • Street, avenue, road, etc: Pine Street
    • House number or farm. Number:
  • Number of dwelling-house, in the order of visitation: 245
  • Number of family, in order of visitation: 267


  • Owned or rented: O
  • Owned free or mortgaged: F
  • Farm or house: H

Line 22 enumerates:


  • of each person whose place of abode on April 15, 1910 June 1, 1900, was in this family. Enter surname first, then the given name and middle initial if any. Include every person living on April 15, 1910 June 1, 1900. Omit children born since April 15, 1910 June 1, 1900: Milligan John B


  • Relationship of each person to the head of the family: Head


  • Color or race: W
  • Sex: M
  • Date of Birth
    • Month: Sept[ember]
    • Year: 1862
  • Age at last birthday: 37
  • Whether single, married, widowed, or divorced: M
  • Number of years of present marriage: 11
  • Mother of how many children:
  • Number of these children living:


Place of birth of each person and parents of each person enumerated. If born in the United States, give the State or Territory; if of foreign birth, give the country Country only.

  • Place of birth of this Person: Illinois
  • Place of birth of FATHER of this person: New Jersey
  • Place of birth of MOTHER of this person: Pennsylvania


  • Year of immigration to the U.S:
  • Number of years in the United States:
  • Whether naturalized or alien. Naturalization:


  • Occupation: RR Conductor
  • If an employee, Number of weeks out of work during 1909 Months not employed: 0


  • Attended school or college anytime since September 1, 1909 (in months):
  • Whether able to Can read: yes
  • Whether able to Can write: yes
  • Whether able to Can speak English; or, if not, give language spoken: yes

Also enumerated are wife Ida E (age 32, mother of 4, with 4 surviving) and sons Edward (8), Earl L (5), James John (3), and Frederick H (1).

Lines 51-54, Sheet 10 for Mason Township, Cerro Gordo, Iowa, United States (census district 77-26) enumerate:


    • Street, avenue, road, etc:
    • House number or farm. Number:
  • Number of dwelling-house, in the order of visitation: 180
  • Number of family, in order of visitation: 182


  • Owned or rented: O
  • Owned free or mortgaged: F
  • Farm or house: F

Line 51 enumerates:


  • of each person whose place of abode on April 15, 1910 June 1, 1900, was in this family. Enter surname first, then the given name and middle initial if any. Include every person living on April 15, 1910 June 1, 1900. Omit children born since April 15, 1910 June 1, 1900: Milligan James [John’s father]


  • Relationship of each person to the head of the family: Head


  • Color or race: W
  • Sex: M
  • Date of Birth
    • Month: Feb[ruary]
    • Year: 1827
  • Age at last birthday: 73
  • Whether single, married, widowed, or divorced: M
  • Number of years of present marriage: 58
  • Mother of how many children:
  • Number of these children living:


Place of birth of each person and parents of each person enumerated. If born in the United States, give the State or Territory; if of foreign birth, give the country Country only.

  • Place of birth of this Person: New Jersey
  • Place of birth of FATHER of this person: New Jersey
  • Place of birth of MOTHER of this person: New Jersey


  • Year of immigration to the U.S:
  • Number of years in the United States:
  • Whether naturalized or alien. Naturalization:


  • Occupation: Farmer
  • If an employee, Number of weeks out of work during 1909 Months not employed: 0


  • Attended school or college anytime since September 1, 1909 (in months):
  • Whether able to Can read: yes
  • Whether able to Can write: yes
  • Whether able to Can speak English; or, if not, give language spoken: yes

Also enumerated are wife Jemima J (age 64, mother of 11, with 10 surviving) and daughters Nora (25) and Grace (20).

Eleventh Census, 1890


The original data for the 1890 Census is no longer available. Almost all the population schedules were damaged in a fire in the basement of the Commerce Building in Washington, D.C. in 1921. Some 25% of the materials were presumed destroyed and another 50% damaged by smoke and water (although the actual damage may have been closer to 15–25%). The damage to the records led to an outcry for a permanent National Archives. In December 1932, following standard Federal record-keeping procedures, the Chief Clerk of the Bureau of the Census sent the Librarian of Congress a list of papers to be destroyed, including the original 1890 census schedules. The Librarian was asked by the Bureau to identify any records which should be retained for historical purposes, but the Librarian did not accept the census records. Congress authorized destruction of that list of records on February 21, 1933, and the surviving original 1890 census records were destroyed by government order by 1934 or 1935.


The 1890 census was the first to be compiled using methods invented by Herman Hollerith. Data was entered on a machine readable medium, punched cards, and tabulated by machine. This technology reduced the time required to tabulate the census from eight years for the 1880 census to one year for the 1890 census. The total population of 62,947,714 was announced after only six weeks of processing. The public reaction to this tabulation was disbelief, as it was widely believed that the “right answer” was at least 75,000,000.

Tenth Census, 1880

Lines 38-49, Page 2, Schedule 1 for Mason Township, Cerro Gordo, Iowa, United States (census district 77-26) enumerate:

  • Street and No. IN CITIES
    • Name of Street:
    • House Number:
  • Number of Dwelling-house in the order of visitation. Dwelling houses numbered in order of visitation: 15
  • Number of Family in the order of visitation. Families numbered in order of visitation: 15

Line 38 enumerates:

  • Christian name in full, and initial of middle name. Surname.  The Name of each Person whose place of abode on 1st day of June 1880,: Milligan, James
  • Personal Description
    • Whether white, black, mulatto, quadroon, octoroon, Chinese, Japanese or Indian. Color—White, W; Black, B; Mulatto, Mu; Chinese, C; Indian, I: W
    • Sex—Male, M; Female, F: M
    • Age at nearest birthday.  If under one year, give age in months.  Age at last birthday prior to June 1, 1880, give months in fractions thus 5/12: 55
    • Relationship to head of family. Relationship of each person to the head of the family—whether wife, son, daughter, servant, boarder, or other:
  • Whether single, married, widowed, or divorced. CIVIL CONDITION
    • Single:
    • Married: checked
    • Widowed/ Divorced, D:
    • Whether married during the census year (June 1, 1889, to May 31, 1890).  Married during Census year:
  • Occupation
    • Profession, trade, or occupation. Profession, Occupation, or Trade of each person, male or female: Farmer
    • Months unemployed during the census year, (June 1, 1889, to May 31, 1890). Number of months this person has been unemployed during the Census year: ticked
  • Health
    • Whether suffering from acute or chronic disease, with name of disease and length of time afflicted. Is this person [on the day of the Enumerator’s visit] sick or temporarily disabled so as to be able to attend to ordinary business or duties? If so, what is the sickness or disability?:
    • Blind:
    • Deaf and Dumb:
    • Idiotic:
    • Insane:
    • Whether defective in mind, sight, hearing, or speech, or whether crippled, maimed, or deformed, with name of defect. Maimed, Crippled, Bedridden or otherwise disabled:
  • Education
    • Attendance at school (in months) during the census year (June 1, 1889, to May 31, 1890). Attended school within the Census year:
    • Able to Read Cannot read:
    • Able to Write. Cannot write:
  • Nativity
    • Place of birth. Place of birth of this person, naming State or Territory of United States, or the Country, if of foreign birth: New Jersey
    • Place of birth of Father Place of birth of FATHER of this person, naming State or Territory of United States, or the Country, if of foreign birth: N. J. [New Jersey]
    • Place of birth of Mother Place of birth of MOTHER of this person, naming State or Territory of United States, or the Country, if of foreign birth: N. J. [New Jersey]

Also enumerated are wife Jane (age 45) and children Mathew (20), (daughter) Mattie (16), Thomas (13), Rebecca (12), Joseph (9), William (7), Emma (5), and Grace (born in October of Census year).

Ninth Census, 1870

Lines 5-12, Schedule 1 Page 8 for Winnebago, Winnebago, Illinois, United States enumerate:

  • Dwelling-houses numbered in the order of visitation: 60
  • Families numbered in the order of visitation: 62
  • Value of Real Estate Owned
    • Value of Real Estate: $2,400
    • Value of Personal Estate: $1,100

Line 9 enumerates:

  • The Name name of each Person every person whose place of abode on 1st the first day of June, 1880 1870, was in this family: John
  • Personal DESCRIPTION.
    • Age at last birth-day. If under 1 year, give months in fractions thus 3/12: 7
    • Sex—Males (M.), Females (F.): M
    • Color—White (W.); Black (B.); Mulatto (M.); Chinese (C.); Indian (I.): W
  • Profession, Occupation, Trade, or of each person, male or female:
  • Place of birth of this person Birth, naming State or Territory of U.S.  United States, or the Country, if of foreign birth: Illinois
  • Parentage
    • Place of birth of FATHER of this person, naming State or Territory of United States, or the Country, if of foreign birth Father of foreign birth:
    • Place of birth of MOTHER of this person, naming State or Territory of United States, or the Country, if of foreign birth Mother of foreign birth:
  • If born within the year, state month (Jun., Feb., &c.):
  • Married during Census year, If married within the year, state month (Jun., Feb., &c.):
  • Attended school within the Census year: check
  • Cannot read:
  • Cannot write:
  • Is this person [on the day of the Enumerator’s visit] sick or temporarily disabled so as to be able to attend to ordinary business or duties? If so, what is the sickness or disability? Whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, or idiotic:
  • Male Citizens of U.S. of 21 years of age and upwards:
  • Male Citizens of U.S. of 21 years of age and upwards, whose right to vote is denied or abridged on other grounds than rebellion or other crime:

Line 5 enumerates:

  • The Name name of each Person every person whose place of abode on 1st the first day of June, 1880 1870, was in this family: Milligan, James
  • Personal DESCRIPTION
    • Age at last birth-day. If under 1 year, give months in fractions thus 3/12: 42
    • Sex—Males (M.), Females (F.): M
    • Color—White (W.); Black (B.); Mulatto (M.); Chinese (C.); Indian (I.): W
  • Profession, Occupation, Trade, or of each person, male or female: Plasterer
  • Place of birth of this person Birth, naming State or Territory of U.S.  United States, or the Country, if of foreign birth: New Jersey
  • Parentage
    • Place of birth of FATHER of this person, naming State or Territory of United States, or the Country, if of foreign birth Father of foreign birth:
    • Place of birth of MOTHER of this person, naming State or Territory of United States, or the Country, if of foreign birth Mother of foreign birth:
  • If born within the year, state month (Jun., Feb., &c.):
  • Married during Census year, If married within the year, state month (Jun., Feb., &c.):
  • Attended school within the Census year: check
  • Cannot read:
  • Cannot write:
  • Is this person [on the day of the Enumerator’s visit] sick or temporarily disabled so as to be able to attend to ordinary business or duties? If so, what is the sickness or disability? Whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, or idiotic:
  • Male Citizens of U.S. of 21 years of age and upwards: check
  • Male Citizens of U.S. of 21 years of age and upwards, whose right to vote is denied or abridged on other grounds than rebellion or other crime:

Also enumerated are wife Jemimah (age 33) and children Matthew B (10), Elmer E (9), Thomas J (4), Martha (3), and Rebecca (2).

Section 2, Amendment XIV:

Section 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State.

Article I, Section 2, U.S. Constitution:

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct.

Eighth Census, 1860

Lines 10-12, Schedule 1, Page 31 for Winnebago, Winnebago, Illinois, United States enumerate:

  • Dwelling-houses—numbered in the order of visitation: 214
  • Families numbered in the order of visitation: 214
  • Value of Real Estate Owned
    • Value of Real Estate:
    • Value of Personal Estate: $100

Line 10 enumerates:

  • The name of every person whose place of abode on the first day of June, 1870  1860, was in this family: James Melligan
  • Description
    • Age. at last birth-day. If under 1 year, give months in fractions thus 3/12: 42
    • Sex. —Males (M.), Females (F.): M
    • Color, White (W.); Black (B.); Mulatto (M.); Chinese (C.); Indian (I.)  White, black, or mulatto:
  • Profession, Occupation, or Trade of each person, male or female, over 15 years of age: Stone Mason
  • Place of Birth, naming the State, or Territory of United States, or the Country, if of foreign birth: New Jersey
  • If married Married within the year , state month (Jun., Feb., &c.):
  • Attended school School within the Census year:
  • If born within the year, state month (Jun., Feb., &c.):
  • Persons over 20 y’rs of age who cannot read & write:
  • Whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, or convict:

Also enumerated are wife Jane (age 25) and son Mathew B (11 months).

Seventh Census, 1850

Lines 26-33, Schedule I for Bethlehem Township, Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States, enumerate:

  • Dwelling-houses numbered in the order of visitation: 229
  • Families numbered in the order of visitation: 229
  • Value of Real Estate owned:

Line 27 enumerates:

  • The name of every person whose place of abode on the first day of June, 1860  1850, was in this family: James ”
    • Age: 24
    • Sex: M
    • Color, {White, black, or mulatto}:
  • Profession, Occupation, or Trade of each person, male or female, Male person over 15 years of age: Mason
  • Place of Birth, Naming the State, Territory, or Country: New Jersey
  • Married within the year:
  • Attended School within the year:
  • Persons over 20 years of age who cannot read & write:
  • Whether deaf and dumb, blind, insane, idiotic, pauper, or convict:

Also enumerated are head of household Elizabeth Milikin (James’ mother, age 52) and children Alexander ” (19), William ” (16), Catherine (19), Harriet ” (17), Wilson ” (13), and Sarah E ” (11).

Sixth Census, 1840

Line 13, No. 4 Schedule for Bethlehem Township, Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States enumerates:

  • NAMES OF HEADS OF FAMILIES: Elizabeth Melligan


    • under 5: 1
    • 5 & under 10: 2
    • 10 & under 15: 2 [James is one of these two]
    • 15 & under 20: 1
    • 20 & under 30:
    • 20 & under 30:
    • 30 & under 40:
    • 40 & under 50:
    • 50 & under 60:
    • 60 & under 70:
    • 70 & under 80:
    • 80 & under 90:
    • 90 & under 100:
    • 100 and upwards:
    • under 5:
    • 5 & under 10: 1
    • 10 & under 15: 2
    • 15 & under 20:
    • 20 & under 30:
    • 20 & under 30:
    • 30 & under 40:
    • 40 & under 50: 1
    • 50 & under 60:
    • 60 & under 70:
    • 70 & under 80:
    • 80 & under 90:
    • 90 & under 100:
    • 100 and upwards:


    • Under 10:
    • 5 & under 10:
    • 10 & under 24:
    • 24 & under 36:
    • 36 & under 55:
    • 55 & under 100:
    • 100 and upwards:
    • Under 10:
    • 5 & under 10:
    • 10 & under 24:
    • 24 & under 36:
    • 36 & under 55:
    • 55 & under 100:
    • 100 and upwards:


    • Under 10:
    • 5 & under 10:
    • 10 & under 24:
    • 24 & under 36:
    • 36 & under 55:
    • 55 & under 100:
    • 100 and upwards:
    • Under 10:
    • 5 & under 10:
    • 10 & under 24:
    • 24 & under 36:
    • 36 & under 55:
    • 55 & under 100:
    • 100 and upwards:



  • Mining:
  • Agriculture: 1
  • Commerce:
  • Manufacture and trades:
  • Navigation of the ocean:
  • Navigation of canals, lakes, rivers:
  • Learned professional engineers:


  • Names:
  • Ages:


  • Deaf and Dumb
    • Under 14:
    • 14 & under 25:
    • 25 & upwards:
  • Blind and Insane
    • Blind:
    • Insane and idiots at public charge:
    • Insane and idiots at private charge:


  • Deaf, Dumb, and Blind
    • Deaf & Dumb:
    • Blind:
  • Insane and Idiots
    • Insane and idiots at private charge:
    • Insane and idiots at public charge:


  • No. of white persons over 20 years of age in each family who cannot read and write:
  • Universities or college:
  • Number of students:
  • Academies & Grammar Schools:
  • No. of Scholars:
  • Primary and Common Schools:
  • No. of Scholars at Public charge:

Fifth Census, 1830

Line 7, No. 4 Schedulefor Bethlehem Township, Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States enumerates:

  • NAMES OF HEADS OF FAMILIES: William Meligan [James’ father]:

FREE WHITE PERSONS, (including heads of families).

    • Under five years of age (under 5): 2 [James is one of these two]
    • Of five and under ten (5 to 10): 1
    • Of ten and under fifteen (10 to 15):
    • Of fifteen and under twenty (15 to 20):
    • Of twenty and under thirty (20 to 30):
    • Of thirty and under forty (30 to 40): 1 [William]
    • Of forty and under fifty (40 to 50):
    • Of fifty and under sixty (50 to 60):
    • Of sixty and under seventy (60 to 70):
    • Of seventy and under eighty (70 to 80):
    • Of eighty and under ninety (80 to 90):
    • Of ninety and under one hundred (90 to 100):
    • Of one hundred and upward (100, &c):
      • Under five years of age (under 5):
      • Of five and under ten (5 to 10):
      • Of ten and under fifteen (10 to 15):
      • Of fifteen and under twenty (15 to 20):
      • Of twenty and under thirty (20 to 30):
      • Of thirty and under forty (30 to 40):
      • Of forty and under fifty (40 to 50): 1
      • Of fifty and under sixty (50 to 60):
      • Of sixty and under seventy (60 to 70):
      • Of seventy and under eighty (70 to 80):
      • Of eighty and under ninety (80 to 90):
      • Of ninety and under one hundred (90 to 100):
      • Of one hundred and upward (100, &c):


    • Under ten years of age (under 10):
    • Of ten and under twenty-four (10 to 24):
    • Of twenty-four and under thirty-six (24 to 36):
    • Of thirty-six and under fifty-five (36 to 55):
    • Of fifty-five and under one hundred (55 to 100):
    • Of one hundred and upward (100, &c):
    • Under ten years of age (under 10):
    • Of ten and under twenty-four (10 to 24):
    • Of twenty-four and under thirty-six (24 to 36):
    • Of thirty-six and under fifty-five (36 to 55):
    • Of fifty-five and under one hundred (55 to 100):
    • Of one hundred and upward (100, &c):


    • Under ten years of age (under 10):
    • Of ten and under twenty-four (10 to 24):
    • Of twenty-four and under thirty-six (24 to 36):
    • Of thirty-six and under fifty-five (36 to 55):
    • Of fifty-five and under one hundred (55 to 100):
    • Of one hundred and upward (100, &c):
    • Under ten years of age (under 10):
    • Of ten and under twenty-four (10 to 24):
    • Of twenty-four and under thirty-six (24 to 36):
    • Of thirty-six and under fifty-five (36 to 55):
    • Of fifty-five and under one hundred (55 to 100):
    • Of one hundred and upward (100, &c):


WHITE PERSONS included in foregoing.

  • Who are Deaf and Dumb, under fourteen years of age (under 14):
  • Who are Deaf and Dumb, of the age of fourteen and under 25 (14 to 25):
  • Who are Deaf twenty-five and upwards (25 &c):
  • Who are blind:
  • ALIENS—Foreigners not naturalized:

SLAVES AND COLORED PERSONS, included in foregoing

  • Who are Deaf and Dumb, under fourteen years of age (under 14):
  • Who are Deaf and Dumb, of the age of fourteen and under 25 (14 to 25):
  • Who are Deaf twenty-five and upwards (25 &c):
  • Who are blind:

Line 8, No. 4 Schedule for Bethlehem Township, Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States enumerates:

  • NAMES OF HEADS OF FAMILIES: James Meligan [William’s father]

FREE WHITE PERSONS, (including heads of families)

    • Under five years of age (under 5):
    • Of five and under ten (5 to 10): 1
    • Of ten and under fifteen (10 to 15): 1
    • Of fifteen and under twenty (15 to 20):
    • Of twenty and under thirty (20 to 30): 2
    • Of thirty and under forty (30 to 40): 1
    • Of forty and under fifty (40 to 50):
    • Of fifty and under sixty (50 to 60): 1 [James]
    • Of sixty and under seventy (60 to 70):
    • Of seventy and under eighty (70 to 80):
    • Of eighty and under ninety (80 to 90):
    • Of ninety and under one hundred (90 to 100):
    • Of one hundred and upward (100, &c):
    • Under five years of age (under 5): 1
    • Of five and under ten (5 to 10): 3
    • Of ten and under fifteen (10 to 15): 1
    • Of fifteen and under twenty (15 to 20): 3
    • Of twenty and under thirty (20 to 30):
    • Of thirty and under forty (30 to 40): 1
    • Of forty and under fifty (40 to 50): 1
    • Of fifty and under sixty (50 to 60):
    • Of sixty and under seventy (60 to 70):
    • Of seventy and under eighty (70 to 80):
    • Of eighty and under ninety (80 to 90):
    • Of ninety and under one hundred (90 to 100):
    • Of one hundred and upward (100, &c):


    • Under ten years of age (under 10):
    • Of ten and under twenty-four (10 to 24):
    • Of twenty-four and under thirty-six (24 to 36):
    • Of thirty-six and under fifty-five (36 to 55):
    • Of fifty-five and under one hundred (55 to 100):
    • Of one hundred and upward (100, &c):
    • Under ten years of age (under 10):
    • Of ten and under twenty-four (10 to 24):
    • Of twenty-four and under thirty-six (24 to 36):
    • Of thirty-six and under fifty-five (36 to 55):
    • Of fifty-five and under one hundred (55 to 100):
    • Of one hundred and upward (100, &c):


    • Under ten years of age (under 10):
    • Of ten and under twenty-four (10 to 24):
    • Of twenty-four and under thirty-six (24 to 36):
    • Of thirty-six and under fifty-five (36 to 55):
    • Of fifty-five and under one hundred (55 to 100):
    • Of one hundred and upward (100, &c):
    • Under ten years of age (under 10):
    • Of ten and under twenty-four (10 to 24):
    • Of twenty-four and under thirty-six (24 to 36):
    • Of thirty-six and under fifty-five (36 to 55):
    • Of fifty-five and under one hundred (55 to 100):
    • Of one hundred and upward (100, &c):


WHITE PERSONS included in foregoing

  • Who are Deaf and Dumb, under fourteen years of age (under 14):
  • Who are Deaf and Dumb, of the age of fourteen and under 25 (14 to 25):
  • Who are Deaf twenty-five and upwards (25 &c):
  • Who are blind:
  • ALIENS—Foreigners not naturalized:

SLAVES AND COLORED PERSONS, included in foregoing

  • Who are Deaf and Dumb, under fourteen years of age (under 14):
  • Who are Deaf and Dumb, of the age of fourteen and under 25 (14 to 25):
  • Who are Deaf twenty-five and upwards (25 &c):
  • Who are blind:

Uncle Sam is Watching

1 thought on “The ghost of database past”

  1. I have spent some time looking up family records. The census before 1860 is far less useful as the only given name was that of head of household. That may have been local as the examples above show given names back to 1850. The Canadian census is far more useful as not only names are given but numbers of animals and even crop sizes are given for farmers.

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