Breaking News: Tourists Shun Hot, Humid Weather!

Hurricanes Don’t Stop Tourists in Florida is the headline of this AP article linked by the ever-analytical Drudge.

Tourists visited Florida in record numbers last year, apparently undeterred by four hurricanes that lashed the state and caused widespread damage, officials announced Monday.

The tourists know what the author of the article doesn’t seem to, namely that Florida’s hurricane season is May through November while its main tourist season extends from approximately November through May.

Next: Oil Drilling Thought Responsible for Dearth of Alaska Winter Tourism

UPDATE: I should have made clear that the author of the AP piece missed two points that should have been obvious: 1) there isn’t much overlap between tourist season and hurricane season (the point I made) and 2) the 2005 hurricanes occurred late in the year and therefore could not have affected tourism during the preceeding nine months.

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