7 thoughts on “Swamp”
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Some Chicago Boyz know each other from student days at the University of Chicago. Others are Chicago boys in spirit. The blog name is also intended as a good-humored gesture of admiration for distinguished Chicago School economists and fellow travelers.
Great photo. Did it get the full Ansel Admas post processing treatment?
Ha, I used the default B&W conversion in Lightroom and maybe tweaked the sliders to lighten the greens a bit.
Cool….but freaky! This would be a great metal print.
Not bad. I like Capture One myself, the various B&W conversion possibilities are a part of the reason, although it’s really for the X Trans RAW conversion which LR is not good at.
Looks a bit like Ansel Adams – if he had gone to FL
This reminds me Jonathan – I remember reading a review somewhere – American Heritage? Smithsonian – but there was a guy in FL who ran around in the 1920s and shot a lot of B & W pics – including a lot of the Seminole Indians. Can’t remember his name but is photos gave a glimpse into a way of life that is now gone.
Wish I could remember more details.
Bill, maybe this: