Great Minds Think Alike

Now here’s a man with good taste.

(Related posts: Here and Here)

17 thoughts on “Great Minds Think Alike”

  1. You think? Afraid more men are dressing like this already…doesn’t seem to affect the universe.

    No, we need new Law. And new Tax, on white sox worn with any footware outside of sneakers. Directed to alleviate pain and [mental] suffering of the children confronted with this horrible reality.
    Or something.
    I’m paging the Manolo.

  2. -If universe is not yet affected it can only mean that not enough men are dressing like this.

    -This tax you propose would be quite costly to me.

    -Probably Manolo does not share my views on this matter.

    -I hope you will not think we are total slobs. On occasion we abandon the white socks in favor of more formal fashions.

  3. -I thought you’ll evoke “tiger repellent” (if Universe isn’t affected it’s DUE to men wearing white sox)
    -Costly? But this is for the common good! And the children.
    -I’m afraid I’m in Manolo’ camp on this.

    LuvLuvLuv the color scheme; aqua versus magenta, balanced with some grey and designer black. Daring!

  4. Good point! I haven’t seen any tigers around here since I started wearing white socks.

    Glad you like the swimwear.

  5. Jonathan is right, Tatyana…and women notice and respect a man who can stand up and dress in what he knows to be practical and fashionable at the same time. A sign of strength I would say. The Manolo, he will not be in the agreement here. But then again, the Manolo, he blogs about the shoes for the woman most of the time.

  6. Dan,
    you, the man, are telling me, the woman, what women notice and respect…please tell me more, I need a laugh today.

    As to practicality of white sox- I’m the one who’s been washing them for at least 15 years, so – again – YOU’re telling ME!

  7. T,

    OK, I want your advice. What kind of socks should I wear with short pants and non-sneaker shoes?

  8. Rule of thumb, J: socks complement the footwear (in color and style), belt – pants.

    Example: navy-blue trousers clash with brown cowboy belt but look sharp with black one with polished nickel buckle; however, white socks will absolutely ruin either case, especially if worn with black polished “office” shoe.

    What you wear with a non-sneaker and shorts depends on the shoe. Brown nubuk casual,f.ex., can go with everything color sock from off-cream to olive to deep brown, in every style and pattern you might fancy.

    But I’m sure you knew that already; your color choices in that model shot at the poolside impressed me greatly.

  9. I often wear khaki shorts and brown casual shoes. IMO, with these clothes, short white socks look better than the alternatives. Is it so wrong?

  10. Nothing is “wrong” in personal style.
    May be it’ll make more sense to think of it in mini-marketing terms: who’s the target audience and what message is send with the packaging.

  11. T: I can tell you like the look…playing hard to get like most women. But that’s OK, I see right through the hatred of the white sock. 9 out of 10 women surveyed in the bar liked the look so that is good enough for me. I was told however by most that to pull off the shorts and white sock look you need to have muscular legs, which I happen to have being an avid bicyclist.

  12. See, I was right – you found the right target audience for your packaging. Or they found you for theirs.
    Either way, everyone wins.

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