7 thoughts on “Environmentalism, A Misanthropic Religion”

  1. There was a very cool video on YouTube of a dam being removed in Oregon. Dams, like lakes and ponds, are temporary basins in the landscape. They silt up. It’s a natural process. Also, rebar and concrete have limited lives. So all dams eventually outlive their usefulness.

    I was surprised by some of the commentor’s belief that all dams should be removed, since they destroyed habitat, blocked fish movement towards spawning areas, and could be deadly if they failed. I commented that dams provide clean drinking water for millions of people, provide clean power for those same people, provide water for crops, and were temporary. All rivers shouldn’t be dammed, but some can, with very little adverse impact and great benefit to many. When you you try to get them answer how they would replace the megawatts of electricity or provide water for those millions of people, you get no answers.

    I think they’d have a different opinion if they had no clean water available. Or electricity.

  2. Most of the water on the Earth will be gone in a billion years or so. Our wonderful, and life giving Sun will consume us shortly thereafter (short by universal time) One would think out worship of the planet, sun, and moon would spare us. Alas, the Universe runs on like clockwork. Saving plastic bags didn’t help.

  3. Most of the water on the Earth will be gone in a billion years or so. Our wonderful, and life giving Sun will consume us shortly thereafter (short by universal time) One would think our worship of the planet, sun, and moon would spare us. Alas, the Universe runs on like clockwork. Saving plastic bags didn’t help.

  4. Tom Clancy, as in so many other cases, was prophetic. His book, Rainbow Six predicts an environmentalist class that is murderous. Some of them are today and they are reaching for political control.

  5. I believe that we should remove the dams that supply Seattle and San Francisco with fresh water. For San Francisco, Hansen called it the “The Hetch Hetchy Smelt and Salmon Act.”

    I believe the EU should govern itself exclusively by Environmentalism, as the USSR governed itself exclusively by Socialism. De-industrialize Germany now! They want it. I want it. It’s win-win.

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