Answers to anticipated questions:
-About 3″.
-I haven’t identified the species. (Some kind of Sphinx Moth larva? Does anyone know?)
-The head is on the Left.
-I don’t know what the green thing is. It looks like an egg.
There is a ton of info on the Web about caterpillars (e.g., here and here). However, there are so many distinct varieties that identification is difficult if you don’t already know where to look.
It’s a Taxnian brain slug from Omni-eye Persierus 8. They feast upon the brains of the intellectually pretentious.
Throw one at Leftist, it fun!
So that’s it!
So, Shannon, by your assumption 99.5% of women are intellectually pretentious Leftists?
I thought caterpillars only mated and reproduced after their final metamorph thingy into butterfly’s or moths. Maybe it’s one of those self defense mechanisms where it releases a disgusting substance that must be eaten as well as the ‘pillar making the predator spit it back out.
Maybe the egg case from which the caterpillar hatched? It seems too small, however.
Yep, that’s an ugly looking caterpillar. Was it still moving?
Very much so. It was crossing the road when I found it.
I have photos of it from other angles. Maybe I will post them here later.
From other angle?
At least you didn’t take it in your mouth…I suppose men stop being boys at some point.
bite your tongue tatyana!