Vortex of Fish

Some Chicago Boyz know each other from student days at the University of Chicago. Others are Chicago boys in spirit. The blog name is also intended as a good-humored gesture of admiration for distinguished Chicago School economists and fellow travelers.
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oh so pretty
It was pretty. A large school swimming slowly in circles under a bridge.
A good example of emergent behavior arising out of collective action of cellular automata. Without any central control a beautiful pattern emerges as each fish acts on cues available to it.
Just like the free-market.
Shannon, you’re hopeless.
There is more beauty and wonder in understanding. To see more than with just the eyes is enthralling.
Shannon, pleasure exceeds purely intellectual
“You got beauty in my emergent behavior!”
“And you got emergent behavior in my beauty!”
“Hey! They taste great together…”
Jon, ever the conciliator..