Santa – Tall In the Saddle!

(From our road trip on Saturday, to Goliad – where I had a table at the Book Corral. Goliad celebrates on Courthouse Square with a Christmas fair, a torchlight parade on Friday evening, and Santa arriving on a longhorn reinsteer on Saturday. It’s the 15th year that I have been doing this. Goliad was the inspiration for Luna City, in my contemporary humor series.)

4 thoughts on “Santa – Tall In the Saddle!”

  1. For some reason I didn’t recognize Goliad as Luna City. Was I not paying attention. I’ve been to Goliad often over the last 70+ years. But it has probably been 10 years since we went to Market Days there.
    My family has been in Rockport since 1949, although most of my married life has been living elsewhere until 1997 when we built a home in Lamar. Lamar has a very interesting history, as does most of the coast. We moved back into town, Rockport of course, nine years ago. As elderlies we need access to ER and ambulances.

  2. Ruth, Goliad was where we started hearing stories … about local people, incidents and characters. I think one of the first was about the local lawman who got too suddenly out of his office chair, and his sidearm trigger caught on the chair arm, and the shot grazed his ankle. My mental image of Luna City’s town square is basically Goliad — but without the courthouse in the center … and without the long history of a town being in that place.
    All the little towns have interesting histories — like Cuero, where one of the flashpoint incidents of the Sutton-Taylor feud took place. You’d never think it now, driving through, though.

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