Considering Media Teflon

You won’t have your names when you ride the big airplane, All they will call you will be “deportees

Oh, pity the poor establishment media folks, the woke clergy, and the professional bleeding-heart progressive activists, all making woeful faces and lamenting regarding the round-up and repatriation of masses of criminal illegal immigrants. It’s as if they all honestly believe that the masses of illegals are all doe-eyed innocent widdle cheeeldren and humble suffering agricultural workers, all packed off by their cheating employers once the harvest season is finished. The bubble in which these sentiments are enshrined as gospel is being severely battered over this last week as it becomes apparent that many, many Americans of various ethnic backgrounds and incomes welcome the ICE roundups and deportations with cheers of rapturous approval. Imagine that.

See, it looks like the various prog bubble-dwellers could burnish their luxury beliefs without feeling in the least inconvenienced by the realities posed by mass quantities of illegal immigrants, especially those who compounded their illegal status by piling additional criminal behavior on top. Not just sex-trafficking, murder, rape, robbery, and drug-dealing, but identity theft, driving without a license, insurance, or knowledge of traffic laws, and defrauding social services. Swamping working-class neighborhoods, overburdening schools and health-care facilities to the point of being untenable, depressing wages for lower-end unskilled work, bringing in diseases that hadn’t been current in the US for decades. Ordinary folk in working-class neighborhoods were catching the brunt of all this. To a lesser extent, so were those paying for auto insurance, especially in cities and states where, if you were T-boned at an intersection by a driver running a red light you could count yourself extremely fortunate if that other driver were sober, licensed and fully insured, or best two out of three.

I’d guess that the rapturous approval of the deportations this week is precisely because those being frog-marched onto the big airplane are the criminal scum of the scummiest, whose absence from these shores absolutely no one will miss, save for perhaps their addict customers, their fence for stolen goods and maybe an addled activist, and whatever NGO was paid for bringing them here in the first place. The addled activists are lamenting that practically everyone else is deeply unsympathetic to their laments, and demanding of decent folk that they collude in sheltering the illegals … as if they really were the poor widdle cheeeldren and downtrodden field workers …. Instead of being the criminal scum of the earth. Good luck with that line of reasoning. Really. Good luck, because you’ll need it.

I’d also guess from the lightning-speed at which local law enforcement, ICE, and the Border Patrol dropped on the various criminal scum that a lot of people in law and border enforcement had, like Koko the Lord High Executioner, their little lists of those who wouldn’t be missed. Very accurate little lists, of who, and when and where they could be most expeditiously found. I suppose that once the stock of illegal alien criminals is drawn down, they will start on the illegal widdle cheeldren and the field workers – but by that point, perhaps they will have already self-deported.

On another aspect of the Trump administration, one week and a day in – I am also hugely amused at the Teflon aspects of J.D. Vance as his vice president. Our establishment media has become so accustomed to Republican political operators who never bite back, or who tended to snivel like third-graders giving up their lunch money to playground bullies, that they seem quite discombobulated by J.D., who wasn’t even much a Trump fan at the first. The usual media crew can’t sanctimoniously score off him as a child of privilege, giving his hard-scrabble rust-country background. Can’t call him a raaaaacist, as he is married to a woman who is very obviously Indian. Can’t sneer at him for having studied at a no-name university, the way they sneered at Sarah Palin. All that – and he gives as good or better than he gets. There was a comment this morning on an Instapundit comment thread which pretty much sums it up: With JD, the Sunday shows are like shooting fish in a barrel. Not much of a challenge for him, but entertaining nonetheless. :-)

Comment as you wish.

12 thoughts on “Considering Media Teflon”

  1. If I took a great job in another country, knowing that I was going to be paid under the table and having to play fast and loose with the visa requirements, I would expect to be deported if I got caught, and not allowed back in. And that’s not even counting crossing the border illegally.

  2. Sgt.Mom

    It’s as if they all honestly believe that the masses of illegals are all doe-eyed innocent widdle cheeeldren and humble suffering agricultural workers, all packed off by their cheating employers once the harvest season is finished.

    Cesar Chavez, the iconic farm workers’ union leader, was dead set against illegal immigrants, viewing them as strikebreakers.

    Chavez increasingly blamed the failure of the UFW strike on illegal immigrants who were brought in as strikebreakers.[248] He made the unsubstantiated claim that the CIA was involved in part of a conspiracy to bring illegal migrants into the country so that they could undermine his union.[249] He launched the “Illegals Campaign” to identify illegal migrants so that they could be deported, appointing Liza Hirsch to oversee the campaign.[248][250] In Chavez’s view, “if we can get the illegals out of California, we will win the strike overnight.”[251] This was a reiteration of an early view he expressed concerning the problems the UFW boycott faced in 1972. Chavez believed that any strike undertaken by agricultural workers could be undermined by “wetbacks” and “illegal immigrants”.[252] Huerta urged him not to refer to migrants who had come to the U.S. illegally as “illegals” but Chavez refused, stating: “a spade’s a spade.”[251] Some UFW field offices refused to collaborate with the campaign,[251] and the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) refused to allow its interns to work on it, at which Chavez cut the UFW’s links with the NLG.[251].

    Which reminds me of a union lettuce story. A childhood friend spent one summer as the cook at the Kennedy compound in Hyannisport. One of his duties was purchasing the food. One day Ethel Kennedy stormed into the kitchen. “This lettuce you’re buying is #%$##.”
    “I bought Romaine lettuce because it was union lettuce. Iceberg lettuce is not union lettuce.”
    “Well!” Ethel stormed off.
    From then on he bought iceberg lettuce. Didn’t hear a peep from Ethel.

    Re auto insurance: a quarter of the drivers in Texas do not have liability insurance. A lot of them are illegals. Not all, by any means. My car got totaled by an Uber driver running a stop sign. He was driving his sister’s car, which was not insured for his driving it. He was born and bred in the USA.


    If I took a great job in another country, knowing that I was going to be paid under the table and having to play fast and loose with the visa requirements, I would expect to be deported if I got caught, and not allowed back in. And that’s not even counting crossing the border illegally.

    I worked in Latin America for four years. My employer spent a lot of time and money getting proper visas. One time I flew to NYC to get the Argentine consulate some paper—my birth certificate. Time was of the essence. Ironically, my boss didn’t allow my subway rides as expenses. They didn’t hand out receipts then. Maybe I should have spent ten time the subway fare on taxis.

    Sgt. Mom

    Our establishment media … seem quite discombobulated by J.D Vance.

    It’s great to have a Republican who fires back at the media. I didn’t initially support Trump, but grew to like the way he fired back at the media. Not like Dubya, not like McCain, not like Romney.

    Better yet, Vance absolutely demolishes the lefty media twits. Moreover, he does it most politely.

  3. Sgt.Mom

    It’s as if they all honestly believe that the masses of illegals are all doe-eyed innocent widdle cheeeldren and humble suffering agricultural workers, all packed off by their cheating employers once the harvest season is finished.

    Cesar Chavez, the iconic farm workers’ union leader, was dead set against illegal immigrants, viewing them as strikebreakers.

    Chavez increasingly blamed the failure of the UFW strike on illegal immigrants who were brought in as strikebreakers.[248] He made the unsubstantiated claim that the CIA was involved in part of a conspiracy to bring illegal migrants into the country so that they could undermine his union.[249] He launched the “Illegals Campaign” to identify illegal migrants so that they could be deported, appointing Liza Hirsch to oversee the campaign.[248][250] In Chavez’s view, “if we can get the illegals out of California, we will win the strike overnight.”[251] This was a reiteration of an early view he expressed concerning the problems the UFW boycott faced in 1972. Chavez believed that any strike undertaken by agricultural workers could be undermined by “wetbacks” and “illegal immigrants”.[252] Huerta urged him not to refer to migrants who had come to the U.S. illegally as “illegals” but Chavez refused, stating: “a spade’s a spade.”[251] Some UFW field offices refused to collaborate with the campaign,[251] and the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) refused to allow its interns to work on it, at which Chavez cut the UFW’s links with the NLG.[251].

    Which reminds me of a union lettuce story. A childhood friend spent one summer as the cook at the Kennedy compound in Hyannisport. One of his duties was purchasing the food. One day Ethel Kennedy stormed into the kitchen. “This lettuce you’re buying is #%$##.”
    “I bought Romaine lettuce because it was union lettuce. Iceberg lettuce is not union lettuce.”
    “Well!” Ethel stormed off.
    From then on he bought iceberg lettuce. Didn’t hear a peep from Ethel.

    Re auto insurance: a quarter of the drivers in Texas do not have liability insurance. A lot of them are illegals. Not all, by any means. My car got totaled by an Uber driver running a stop sign. He was driving his sister’s car, which was not insured for his driving it. He was born and bred in the USA.


    If I took a great job in another country, knowing that I was going to be paid under the table and having to play fast and loose with the visa requirements, I would expect to be deported if I got caught, and not allowed back in. And that’s not even counting crossing the border illegally.

    I worked in Latin America for four years. My employer spent a lot of time and money getting proper visas. One time I flew to NYC to get the Argentine consulate some paper—my birth certificate. Time was of the essence. Ironically, my boss didn’t allow my subway rides as expenses. They didn’t hand out receipts then. Maybe I should have spent ten time the subway fare on taxis.

    Sgt. Mom

    Our establishment media … seem quite discombobulated by J.D Vance.

    It’s great to have a Republican who fires back at the media. I didn’t initially support Trump, but grew to like the way he fired back at the media. Not like Dubya, not like McCain, not like Romney.

    Better yet, Vance absolutely demolishes the lefty media twits. Moreover, he does it most politely.

  4. The Trump admin didn’t develop these lists literally overnight. The Biden admin had them all along . . . and did nothing. Deliberate malfeasance. They wanted these people here.

  5. I like his new Press Secretary too. Only 27 years old, had her first press conference. One legacy reporter brought up the price of eggs, which went up 8%. She reminded them how much it had gone up in the last 4 years, during which time didn’t seem to bother them. Then reminded them that Biden ordered the killing of over 100 million chickens, which further drove it up. She doesn’t put up with double standards.

  6. Core jobs of government: protect the border, keep civil peace, enforce contracts, and preserve free markets. Then as we prosper, add humane welfare for deserving needy.
    Today government fails at all five. Badly.
    Get that right before doing anything else.

  7. There was a harbinger to all of this, a few years ago, with a story on Yahoo news about a poor widdle pregnant illegal who was nabbed by ICE in the office of her OB-Gyn. She apparently provided ID which was so obviously fraudulent that the management called it in, probably in their own defense. The story was written up, obviously expecting floods of sympathetic tears — poor widdle pregnant Maria, cruelly dragged into the clutches of the vile system — but the comment thread on the story went nuclear. Saying it was unsympathetic would be like saying there was just a little cherry bomb dropped on Nagasaki. Furious remarks on how ordinary citizens were harmed by having their identities and social security numbers stolen, to enable fraud like this. Horrific traffic accents caused by illegals driving uninsured vehicles, relatively poor neighborhoods made even worse by illegals crammed in 20 to a bedroom, wages undercut right and left, communicable diseases like TB brought into schools … the comments went on, and on, and on, not a single one of them sympathetic. I think Yahoo eventually cut off comments – but that thread could have very well served as a warning to prog activists that what they were doing in championing illegals was not being well received outside of their bubble.
    Ah, well. Sometimes one must personally pee on the electric fence for learning to be achieved.

  8. “I don’t really care, Margaret” is becoming just as big a meme as the “JD Vance look” during his debate with the execrable Tim Walz. Margaret Brennan went from looking like she was going to school the hayseed to looking like someone took her Barbie doll away and put a strap-on on it in seconds.

    As for the left and the “migrants,” distinctions are being drawn by people day by day. The people in the Bronx, on the South Side of Chicago, in East L.A., are seeing what Victor Davis Hanson has been saying for years: the people defending illegal alien criminals are, as Hanson says, “immune to the consequences of their ideology.” How many lamentations by rich elites will those citizens have to see before they start piping up with, “You don’t have to live alongside them!” I don’t know, but when it starts happening, the left had better watch out. If they lose Hispanics and Blacks, they will never win another election.

  9. I lived in Europe for a few years skirting the immigration laws by leaving the country every 30 days. Most European countries are small, so that wasn’t a problem. I wasn’t paid under the table. Instead I was paid from a tax haven, which is the white-collar way to do it. I knew the risk I was taking. If I got caught and deported I wouldn’t have been happy, but I knew that it was a possible consequence. In fact a friend of mine did get deported from one country. Thems the rules, and I didn’t expect anyone to cry over it. Granted, getting deported to the US isn’t such a bad fate.

  10. The JD Vance exchange reminds me of a key point that he understands and that the Left does not, that probably the group that hates illegal immigrants the most are legal immigrants. Brennan’s questions is reflective of the Dems’ strategy which is the “Statue of Liberty” play, America is a land of immigrants, people who have come here for a better life so why are you throwing them out?

    From my personal experience and observation, I also have immigrants in my immediate and extended family, it’s a pain in the butt for people to get legal immigration papers. I don’t hear complaints about it from them, but it makes them mad that people can just break the law by walking over the border and are treated as honored guests.

    In general the Dems and their auxiliaries are in a rout. It’s not only a “shock and awe” of the initial EOs, but it’s like a rolling attack something new everyday, the Democrats and media’s radar simply cannot lock on all the incoming targets because soon as they recognize one, a new one emerges.

    We’re only 9 days in and we have ending transgender policy, eliminating DEI, immigration enforcement and deportation, Pete Hesgeth the man who is going to take the Pentagon apart, today we have RFK, jr, we have the firing of the Inspector Generals last Friday, the proposed buyout of federal employees, the funding freeze for grants, the wiping out of USAID’s senior leadership in a punitive expedition, and so on…. Each of these would be remarkable in an “normal” administration, but all of these? In 9 days?

    One other thing, during her inagural press conference, WH Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt called out the media and said that everytime the media mispresented Trump’s actions, she was going to call them out. I don’t think she’s kidding.

    Good for her. Give them the “cold steel”


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