For those of you who may not know, I own a HVAC distributor, which is a subset of industrial distribution. I have been writing of the many toils and tribulations of our industry during the Covidian era. What follows is another super exciting update on how it’s going in “my world”, as requested by many (well, actually nobody, but if interested, it is below the fold).
Dan from Madison
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Bruce taking me for a walk at the dog park – I like to see things that remind me of warmer days when we get to this point in Winter.
Industrial Distribution Two Years into the Covidian Era
It has already been two years since we started with the Commie Crud (tm Sgt. Mom) and what a two years it has been. I have occasionally put out a dispatch from the front lines of industrial distribution here in the USA and thought it might be a good time to give an update.
Making It Hard/Impossible
Email I read today from an industry HR person. It is pretty difficult right now negotiating the local, state, and federal ever moving goalposts on workplace safety.
This whole thing and lack of consistency are insane. It goes from one extreme to the other: if you’ve been exposed and not symptomatic, come to work, wear a mask. If you’re a healthcare worker in CA, fine to come in if you are positive and asymptomatic. Oh, wait, if you’re positive, you can’t come to work, even if asymptotic if you are not a healthcare worker or work in any other state. You don’t have to wear a mask if everyone in your area is vaxed. Wait, we can’t disclose status due to HIPPA, so everyone should mask. Plus, even if you’re vaxed, you can still transmit it, so you should mask. Oh, actually, if you are asymptomatic and positive and mask, you probably can’t transmit it, so you’ll be ok to work in the hospital in NY soon. The messaging is so mixed. Depends on where you are reading the info and what day it is.