How I Know Things Aren’t Too Bad In Odessa (yet)

I don’t watch a lot of TikTok, but somehow the algorithm one day put me onto a sandwich shop in Odessa. They do a live every morning (afternoon/early evening over there) which shows them making sandwiches, and transacting per normal. I hope that live is on every day.

This indicates that supply chain is still working as all of the ingredients seem to be in ample supply, the grid is up for electricity/internet, and the monetary system isn’t broken down as people seem to be transacting per normal.

Coming from a supply chain perspective, this seems to be good news for now.

Septoplasty, Part One

Last Thursday I had a Septoplasty. I thought it might be interesting to some of our readers to read about it from beginning to end. Of course it isn’t really over yet as I’m still in the recovery phase, but I can’t really do much as far as any real activity goes so I decided to do this. I am also wanting to put this short series out as a guide for those who get this procedure done in the future so they know what to expect and how it all goes down. It may also give a glimpse for our foreign readers into how our medical system works in the good ‘ol USA.

Part One, today, will be pre-op, part two will be the actual surgery day, and the final part will be recovery. I may add an epilogue later with financial information and insurance and how that all went down.

Below the fold will be part one, pre-op.

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