Wisconsin Assembly “Debate”

The Wisconsin Assembly went into session around noon on Tuesday, and has been in “debate” since then on Assembly Bill 11, Governor Walker’s budget repair bill. Through Wiseye I have been listening to the proceedings in my office when I can during the day, and have watched and listened to quite a bit at night. I have learned a lot.

What we have here is a massive stall tactic by the Assembly Democrats, who are hopelessly outnumbered 58-38. They have proposed well over one hundred amendments to AB11 (thus far), all of which have been tabled (or killed) by the Assembly Republicans. The “debate” over each amendment has been mostly the Democrats making fun of the Republicans, calling them Scott Walker’s errand boys, and the like. We hear many sad stories from constituents of the Democrats districts, and endless droning on each and every amendment. Of course they have picked up the new lefty meme du jour, talking out their ass about things they know nothing about, such as the Koch brothers and selling power plants.

At the end of the testimony we have a vote on tabling the amendment. Each and every time, it ends up 58-38. 58-38. 58-38. The amendment is tabled. Over and over and over.

On occasion the Republicans will fire back with a question or two and there is an actual “debate” over a factoid. But in large, the Democrats are just stalling.

I assume this was the case when the Democrats had the majority, but really don’t know. I highly doubt that those sessions went this long.

As of this morning there isn’t any news that the Assembly has passed anything and there is no coverage on Wiseye so everyone must have decided to take a nap.

I think it was Bismarck who said (and I am paraphrasing) that nobody should see how two things are made – war and sausages. I think that legislation should be added to that list.

UPDATE 6.13am – the Assembly is back in session.

Actions Have Consequences

I have an acquaintance who I just had an email conversation with. This person works with some of the doctors who were handing out those fake sick excuses to teachers on the square yesterday. My friend considers it a violation of the hippocratic oath. This person is in a position of power and the doctors who are involved will find that their business will be declining in the near future. Bye bye patient referrals. Madison is a small town.

In addition, my friend has some important business meetings on Tuesday. This person is furious that the meetings may have to be skipped. Single parent. No school. This is my friend’s week with the kid. My friend thinks all the teachers should be fired now.

Anecdotal, but I am thinking stories like this are repeated thousands of times over.

The unions, and teachers in particular, are not making any friends.

UPDATE – 2-21-11 – Madison schools are closed again today, and it is NOT due to the weather. Rumor has it there may be school tomorrow.