Strong Tank

I’ve been a fan of the Army’s M1 Abrams tank since I was a kid. Most kids were reading comic books or baseball magazines; I was reading about U.S. and Soviet tank designs (I was a strange kid). Here’s an interesting site with pictures titled “M1A1 Abrams Lessons Learned During Iraq War 2003”. Here is the original powerpoint. One interesting outtake was the destruction of an abandoned M1 to not compromise the vehicle and/or technology. According to them it:

“Took one thermite grenade, one sabot in turret ammunition compartment, and two Maverick missiles to finally destroy the tank”.

Strong tank.

Update: The armor on the M1 is Chobham armor. Here is a brief description of it from

“Chobham armour is a composite armour developed at the British tank research centre on Chobham Common. Although the exact composition of Chobham armour remains a secret, it appears to be a combination of ceramic layered between armour steel plating, a combination that is excellent at defeating high explosive anti-tank (HEAT) rounds. Possible ceramics for such armours are: Boron carbide, Silicon carbide, Aluminium oxide (Sapphire), or Titanium boride.

The exact nature of the protection offered by this layering remained a mystery for some time, but it was eventually revealed that Chobham armour works in a manner somewhat similar to reactive armour. When the armour is hit by a HEAT round the ceramic layer shatters under the impact point, forming a dust under high pressure. When the HEAT round “burns through” the outer layers of armour and reaches the ceramic, the dust comes flying back out the hole, slowing the jet of metal.

Modern tanks also have to face KE-penetrator rounds of various sorts, which the ceramic layer is not particularly effective against. For this reason many modern designs include additional layers of heavy metals to add more density to the overall armor package. The metal used appears to be either tungsten or, in the case of later M1 Abrams tanks, depleted uranium.

The effectiveness of Chobham armour was demonstrated in the first Gulf War, where no Coalition tank was destroyed by the obsolete Iraqi armor. In some cases the tanks in question were subject to multiple point-blank hits by both KE-penetrators and HEAT rounds, but the old Russian ammunition used by the Iraqis, in their Polish licence built T-72’s, their old T-55’s bought from Russia and upgraded with “enigma” type armour, and T-62 tanks left them completely incapable of penetrating coalition armour. It’s also worth noting that the Iraqis rarely actually hit the coalition tanks, because of lack of training and inferior optics. To date, only 5-10 Chobham-protected tanks have been defeated by enemy fire in combat, including an M1 that was hit by an RPG-7 in the Second Gulf War; no crewmembers of either the M1 or Britain’s Challenger II have been killed as a result of armour penetration.

The latest version of Chobham armour is used on the Challenger II (called Dorchester armour), and (though the composition most probably differs) the M1 Abrams series of tanks. Though it is often claimed to be otherwise, the Leopard II does not in fact use Chobham armour.”

Gung Ho

Drudge has a good link to raw footage of the fighting in Fallujah.

When this battle started for some reason I kept thinking of the battle of Stalingrad in World War 2 and the street fighting there. It says something about our boys over there that we had so relatively few casualties. I know, I know, tell it to the mother who lost a son. But, Thank God.

Prager Article

Good article by Dennis Prager.

Sowell on Specter

As always, Thomas Sowell has a good series titled “An ominous Specter”. Here is Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

New Senate Minority Leader

I was curious who the new Senate Minority Leader will be, and it looks like the Dems have tapped Harry Reid from Nevada. On the face of it, things look promising. He’s a Mormon who is pro-life. This may rankle some folks out there, but the fact that he’s a Mormon and pro-life carries weight with me. I have a high opinion of Mormons, mainly because I’ve worked with quite a few during my career. For me, Mormons tend to be hardworking, religious people who are very very friendly. And based on what I’ve read, Reid looks like a reasonable man. Here are a few articles I read to get up to speed:

EDITORIAL: Sen. Harry Reid, minority leader

Nevada senator in line to assume minority-leader job

Las Vegas SUN: Reid confident in his bid for minority leader

Reid, Durbin May Be Democratic Leaders in Senate, Carper Says

Senate Dems look for new leader

Hopefully he’s not a dual identity Senator like Daschle: country boy at home, ultra leftist in D.C. But with Nevada being a Red State, that should at a minimum keep him in check. But there’s hope. Perhaps the Dem’s will get the message, and make this a part of the their push toward the center.

Maybe the Dems haven’t learned anything, and the ultra left is still driving the party. What would be funny, and the ideal situation for Republicans in 2006, is if the Dems decide that Reid is too soft spoken, and elect a more vocal heir to Daschle. What would be even more funny is if Kerry gets tapped to be the new Minority Leader. He is still a Senator after all.

As a side note, being that Kerry is still a Senator with responsiblity to the American people, shouldn’t he present all the secret plans he had while campaigning? If he did in fact have plans to get us out of Iraq and create 10 million jobs, shouldn’t he present and champion them now as a duty to the American people since he is still a Senator?

Ultimately, the Senate Minority Leader position is what Reid makes of it. The battle next year will be in approving judges, hopefully Reid will be more amenable.