Mortgages come to Russia

Good article about the burgeoning mortgage market in Russia.

“While the learning curve has been steep, analysts say the post-World War II example of the US – where government-backed credits, loans, and mortgages for GIs transformed the American economy for decades – is a lesson for the Kremlin.

“It’s a huge effect [on] releasing spending power into the economy,” says Gaige of Ernst & Young. In the past, “the money people needed to buy a house would have been taken out of the economy … and their spending power would have been reduced” before and after the purchase by the effort to collect that money.”

Wish I could participate. The only thing worse is watching VIP go from 56 to 100 and not holding any shares…

What a shame

I have been considering moving to Virginia for various reasons, one of which is to get out of California. But it seems Virginia’s state of affairs ain’t much better than California’s…

Good summary article by Paul Jacob.

More Outsourcing

Leave it to a VC guy to make a good point succinct. Excellent article over at Ventureblog about outsourcing. The article is a little old, but good nonetheless.

“there are two ways to make a car — you can either make it in Detroit or grow it in Iowa. You already know how to make it in Detroit. You get a bunch of iron ore, smelt it into steel, and have an assembly line of robots and workers shape it into a finished vehicle.

To grow it in Iowa, you plant car seeds in the ground (also known as “wheat”), wait until they sprout, and harvest them. Take the harvest and put it into a big boat marked “to Japan” and let it sail off. A few months later a brand new car comes back.”