Indian Independence Day

Happy Indian Independence Day.
The “tryst with destiny” continues.
Long live India.
Long live the Indo-Anglosphere.

Thank you to the Indiana Federalist Society Lawyers Chapter, Where I Spoke about America 3.0 Yesterday

State Capitol Indiana

I spoke yesterday to a the Indianapolis Federalist Society Lawyers Chapter. I gave an overview of America 3.0. I focused on the past and future of the legal profession for this mostly lawyer crowd. It was a very good session, with lively Q&A, with some digressions about contemporary politics, especially Illinois politics.

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Governor Sam Brownback has a copy of America 3.0 in his Office

Governor Sam Brownback has come in for a lot of flack for his tax cuts in Kansas.

The usual unholy alliance of Democrats and so called moderate Republicans, meaning they spend almost like Democrats but not quite, is against Brownback on this effort.

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal entitled Why Liberals Hate Kansas: Sam Brownback’s tax cuts must be discredited before they succeed provides a more believable picture of what is happening. There is the usual nonsense about purportedly savage cuts to educational spending, that actually increased, etc. RTWT.

As the WSJ notes:

Mr. Brownback has led the movement for tax reform, which has been taken up by Republicans in Oklahoma, Missouri, Ohio, North Carolina and Wisconsin. Liberals are trying to stop the trend from spreading by predicting catastrophe. They’re afraid people may soon be asking what’s right with Kansas.

Meanwhile, a reliable source tells me the picture above is from Governor Brownback’s office.

I am pleased to see he has a copy of America 3.0: Rebooting American Prosperity in the 21st Century-Why America’s Greatest Days Are Yet to Come.

I hope our vision of a renewed America helps to encourage him to stay the course on the tax cuts and tax simplification.

Be strong, Governor. You are on the right track.

Michael Barone Recommends Some Books, including America 3.0

Barone in seersucker

In a recent post entitled Reading Recommendations for Summer or Fall, Michael Barone mentioned several books that sound very good.

This passage in particular stuck out, for obvious reasons:

Nick Adams, The American Boomerang: How the World’s Greatest ‘Turnaround’ Nation Will Do It Again. There’s a grand tradition, starting with Alexis de Tocqueville, of foreign writers telling Americans more about their country than most Americans know or understand. Nick Adams, a young Australian writer, continues this tradition in this book about how the United States can rise again from its current doldrums.
This is a book to read in conjunction with two excellent recent books on Anglosphere exceptionalism, James Bennett and Michael Lotus’s America 3.0: Rebooting American Prosperity in the 21st Century—Why America’s Greatest Days Are Yet to Come and Daniel Hannan’s Inventing Freedom: How the English-Speaking Peoples Made the Modern World.

I had not heard of Nick Adams or his book, but I ordered a copy. I am eager to hear his assessment of how the USA is going to get out of this current mess and on to something better.

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