Guess the Profanity

I tried to submit the following post to FT on a climate change story, GE rejects Republicans’ climate change doubts. My comment was rejected due to “suspected profanity”. For the life of me, I can’t figure out what the problem is.

There is no doubt that climate is changing. The question under doubt is whether the changes are man-made and require trillions in expenditures to address. This last one is not as well established as they are economic and political questions, not scientific ones. The scientific fact is that we are undergoing a pause in warming that is, at best, at the far end of the lower error bar bounds of the current models. Once the error bars are exceeded, you toss that model out and get something better.
If you’re depending on these models to justify trillions in expenditures over the next decades, you take a step back and you are a bit humble. A cold year or two and the problem isn’t even arguable anymore. It means that the science wasn’t right and we’re driving the world economy blind, without working models. We might as well call in a shaman. He would have equal scientific validity as models whose error bars are exceeded by stubborn, plain, empirically observed reality.
We are currently undoing major scientific damage that the climate modelers have inflicted on science by hiding their data and stonewalling independent inquiry. The Berkley BEST effort at least will be open and the skeptics can take their best shot at working out the problems. And there are problems, from Briffa’s magic tree in the Yamal data set (the one tree whose inclusion or exclusion reverses the entire conclusion of a highly influential tree ring data set) to the reversal of sign in the Tiljander sediment data (you don’t get to just reverse signs on measurements when they are inconvenient to your conclusions). Time after time data that has been stonewalled turns out to have problems when it is finally pried out into the light of public scrutiny.
There is nothing wrong with GE betting on efficiency and reducing pollution. That isn’t what this is about. It is about public monies and massive changes in the world economy based on science that is tough to check because the original data is often kept out of the hands of skeptics.

Textbook Disasters

As if we needed something more to raise our concerns about our children’s education comes a blog post from the belly of the beast of math textbook creation.

Be afraid, be very afraid. It’s like reading reports about Big 3 auto operations right as the Japanese started cleaning their clocks.

There may be a reason you can’t figure out some of those math problems in your son or daughter’s math text and it might have nothing at all to do with you. That math homework you’re trying to help your child muddle through might include problems with no possible solution. It could be that key information or steps are missing, that the problem involves a concept your child hasn’t yet been introduced to, or that the math problem is structurally unsound for a host of other reasons.

It’s enough to make you a bit ill about what we’re subjecting our kids to.

What’s the matter with you, can’t we advocate infanticide without angry blowback?

Francesca Minerva and Alberto Giubilini wrote a paper entitled After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?. They were subsequently shocked that their argument in favor of infanticide instead of putting up for adoption led to death threats.

There is something deeply wrong in the state of modern, academic philosophy and ethics. The first problem is in making the argument. The second is in being so isolated from society that the reaction to the article surprises them.

Update: The journal article has been moved and now resides behind a paywall.

Richard Lugar just hung up on me

I just got an anonymous call from Indianapolis, a hang up from the number 317-550-1990. This is annoying and potentially illegal if what’s going on is an attempt to put robo-calls on answering messages. So I look up the number as a search and find as the top link. It’s a Richard Lugar hate fest there with people swapping stories about how they are going to vote for Mourdock and how they’ve annoyed the Lugar people when the call connects.

There are obscure forums out there that the politicians don’t even know exist and they’re invisibly undermining them.

Hunter, Princess, Bear (politically incorrect rock, paper, scissors)

Fascinating dynamics, my kids have just invented their own rock, paper scissors variant called hunter, princess, bear. Bear kills the princess (it eats her), hunter kills the bear (he shoots it), and princess kills the hunter (he has pity on her and she back-stabs him). The image of the manipulative, back-stabbing princess comes from one of my girls, actually.