Apologies for Today’s Blog Outages

I am monkeying around with Movable Type. If the blog is not working when you visit, it should be working again within a few minutes.

Come and get it!

Eliot Spitzer will never get this.

I’ve uploaded a big steaming pile of images to the photo blog.


I just deleted four comments from an anonymous commenter at IP (U. of Oregon). I might have left them up if the commenter had identified himself, or posted without insulting us, or without telling us to “get the facts” while himself making reckless assertions, or contributed more to the exchange than his own shrill opinions. Readers are welcome to comment here, anonymously if they wish, and even if they disagree strongly about something. But they should be civil about it, and if they won’t or can’t be civil they should not be surprised if we delete their posts. You are welcome here to discuss and argue. If you mainly want to vent, go to a bar or start your own blog.

Worthy Endeavor

Spirit of America has done great work in Iraq and is now on the cutting edge of democratic reform in Lebanon. Jim Hake and Michael Totten are blogging from Beirut. You can make a donation to SOA via their blog or here. (I’ve added these links near the top of the right side of this page.)

The SOA guys have a talent for finding the points of greatest civic leverage in recovering dictatorships and giving them a push. I’m sure that their results are disproportionately big relative to their funding. They deserve support.

UK Elections

I have updated our Intrade quote board with some markets on UK election outcomes. I also added a contract on the odds that the US will bomb Syria or Iran by June 30. (Disclosure: Intrade pays us for accounts opened via clickthroughs from this blog.)

If anyone knows of a good site showing bookmakers’ odds on the UK elections, please email me and I’ll add the link.