Word Mambo!

A Chicago boy shares his new online game which is taking the Internet (or at least my inbox) by storm.

It’s. . .

Word Mambo

It’s actually kind of fun in a Scrabble-ish sort of way. Check it out.

Chicagoboyz Contact Email

Our new support email address appears near the top right side of each page and also near our comment-posting windows. Email sent to this address will be automatically forwarded to our crack overseas helpdesk team. They can’t speak English but they guarantee to solve your commenting problems in five minutes or less or you get double your money back.* Or maybe one of us here on the blog will check his email once in a while and try to give you a hand. From now on nothing will stand in the way of Chicagoboyz readers who yearn to leave elegant, insightful, well reasoned comments!

Oh yeah, our contact email is: support at [the name of this blog] dot net

*This is not true.

Shana Tova

Best wishes to all for a sweet new year. May yours be healthy, happy and prosperous.

Disaster Preparedness Guidebook

For Instapundit’s Carnival of Hurricane Relief

Perhaps these lessons from other disasters would prove useful.

From the National Community Development Association (NCDA),
the Disaster Preparedness Guidebook for Community Development Professionals
Sept. 2003

The information provided enables community development professionals to
obtain practicable information based on case studies from several areas of the
country that experienced natural disasters: Hurricane Andrew, the Des Moines
flood, the Northridge earthquake, and the 1998 Florida wildfire season. In the
event of a natural disaster such as a tornado, flood, hurricane, earthquake, or
forest fire striking in their community, community development professionals
can be better prepared either to directly provide necessary services or to guide
citizens to the appropriate agencies or departmental representatives for assistance.

Table of Contents
Roles & Responsibilities of Community Development Professionals …………..1
Citizen Needs & Resources Available ……………………………………………………..5
Lessons Learned from Past Disasters ……………………………………………………….7
Case Studies
Hurricane Andrew (FL)…………………………………………………………………………9
The Des Moines Flood (IA) ………………………………………………………………..17
The Northridge Earthquake (CA) …………………………………………………………25
The 1998 Florida Wildfire Season…………………………………………………………39
The Oklahoma City Bombing………………………………………………………………61

Blog Problems

Apologies for the comment-spam storm and for any other problems which readers and contributors may be experiencing. There is a problem at the hosting level that is preventing the anti-spam blacklist and other routine functions of this blog from functioning properly. I assume it will be fixed but I have no idea when.

UPDATE: The problems seem to be fixed.