Update, October 2: Wall Street Journal lists a chronology of links leading to current crisis
Links gathered from our blog & others about current financial crisis:
Jonathan: Healthy Banks to Congress ; Lex:Opposed economists & Bailouts Depressing historical parallel Blogs: Gary Becker , superman’s cape Visual histories: Fox , Weekly Standard, Mishu: The Mouth Peace; Old editorials: Paul Gigot A more humerous approach.
David Foster suggests four useful blogs: MaxedOutMama, Calculated Risk, The Big Picture, Hussman Funds Another blogger (via Insta): Granitegrok
Update: Another Visual (via Instapundit) of 2004 hearings
If anyone wants to add useful discussions or believes some here are not useful (and know more than I do which is pretty much anyone who posts here), then put others in the comments & I can add them above; or give reasons for their lack of insight or skewing of history that informs us.