We Love the MSM!

White House Press Corps

Here’s another installment in our occasional photo series on the mainstream press, an institution for which we have the utmost respect.

Remember, these people have editors!

Previous posts:
The Allegations Are False

Know Your Household Pests (Chapter 24): Balloons

Serious Infestation

Runaway Robot (toilet)

Instapundit links to an article that calls the automatic flush toilet “THE CRAPPIEST INVENTION EVER”

Now anyone like me who has ever had to clean toilets for a living understands why those providing toilets to the general public would be eager to embrace this new technology but I must say I don’t think it is ready for primetime. By coincidence this weekend I found myself trapped by natures call atop an automated toilet that would flush each time I moved in the slightest. I found it more than a little disturbing to be perched in such a vulnerable position above a device that had developed a mind of its own.

Nevertheless, I must disagree with the idea that the automatic flush toilet is the crappiest invention ever. I say the LOW-FLUSH automatic toilet is the most craptacular.

New! – Chicagoboyz Fantasy Island Vacation Development

(Artist’s Conception)

UPDATE: Thanks for all the suggestions in the comments. I will forward them to the architects.

UPDATE 2: The revised plan is up.

New! – Decorate Like a Pirate Day

Disturbing development: Jim goes metro.

I’m not sure what to make of this.

(Related posts: Here, here and here.)