Shannon Love was taken to task by the anti-war left way back in 2004. The reason why he drew their ire was because he dared to question the wisdom of a suspicious study that appeared in the Lancet. The study claimed that about 100,000 civilians died in Iraq during the first year after US forces invaded.
Why was this suspicious? Mainly because the authors of the study laid the blame for the deaths at the feet of the Coalition, the number of deaths were ten times higher than any other credible estimate, and because it was released just in time to effect the 2004 US elections.
(If you are interested in the back and forth, this post is a roundup of all essays discussing the study.)
Strategypage reports that the Iraq government has just released the findings of a study of their own.
“The government has released data showing that 110,000 Iraqis have died, mostly from sectarian and terrorist violence, since 2003.”
So the 100K figure is finally correct, only five years after it was first reported. And the Coalition forces didn’t cause the majority of the deaths but terrorists, criminals, and blood feuds are to blame.
Does this matter now, five years after the fact?