Finding a Less Costly Alternative

I wrote last year about how I finally took the plunge and canceled my cable TV service.

The reason why I decided to let the television go dark was because advancing technology made paying for TV shows redundant. There are very few that I like anyway, and they are available for streaming free through a variety of websites. Add the fact that my charity work kept me extremely busy, so I would only have time to watch TV at some extremely odd hours, and you can see that online video-on-demand was the cost free way to go.

Things have loosened up a great deal since I shut down the charity self defense course in January. The course put such demands on me that going to an eight hour work day feels like an extended vacation, and I have a great deal more time on my hands. Even so, I still find that only a very few TV shows are at all interesting, and have no desire to start paying for cable service that I won’t watch anyway.

But that isn’t what I want to talk about. You see, now I’m thinking about canceling my phone service.

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April 1st

One of these two stories is an April Fool.

General Electric develops talking light bulb.

British Schools will no longer require the teaching of certain historical subjects, such as the reign of Queen Victoria and the events of the Second World War, but will instead emphasize twittering, podcasting, and blogging.

The other, apparently, is not.

Can you guess which is which?

Environmentalism and the Death of the West

A comment on a New York Times story on the new Indian car, the Nano [h/t Instapundit]:

Somehow, we need to get the “developing” countries to quit copying our disasters in the first world. Showing real respect for the quiet life in villages would be a help. How about a Discovery Channel series on “The Truly Sustainable” – showing village life wherever it can be found, and not focused on “gosh, no plumbing”, but on – “this clan has lived here for 1,000 years…’ – and showing community dynamics.

Obviously, the writer has never had cholera.  The scary thing about this comment is that it showcases a school of thought more common than not on the far Left (25% most left).

Here we see the culmination of the Left’s evolution from technophiles to technophobes. Only a politically driven collective  delusion  could cause an educated person to believe that 1,000 years of cultural stagnation is more important than preventing the enormous suffering and death caused by sewage-borne illnesses.  

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Macrogrid and Microgrid

Last week, I picked up a copy of American Scientist on the strength of a couple of interesting-looking articles, one of them relevant to our ongoing discussion of America’s energy future. It contains a graph which, at first glance, looks pretty unbelievable. The graph is title “U.S. electric industry fuel-conversion efficiency,” and it starts in 1880 with an efficiency of 50%. It reaches a peak of nearly 65%, circa 1910, before beginning a long decline to around 30%, at which level it has been from about 1960 to the present.

How can this be? Were the reciprocating steam engines and hand-fired boilers of the early power plants somehow more efficient than modern turbines?

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Leaving a Trillion on the Table

(I originally posted this in 2006. With the current push toward top-down micromanagement of virtually all aspects of the economy, it seems worth posting again. I should also note that a trillion is probably way too small a number to use for an estimate of the economic value of this technology)

The invention of the transistor was an event of tremendous economic importance. Although there was already a substantial electronics industry, based on the vacuum tube, the transistor gave the field a powerful shot of adrenaline and brought about the creation of vast amounts of new wealth.

As almost everyone knows, the transistor was invented by John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley, all researchers at Bell Laboratories, in 1946. But a recent article in Spectrum suggests that the true history of the transistor is more complex…and interesting not only from the standpoint of the history of technology, but also from the standpoint of economic policy.

The story begins in Germany, during World War II. Owing to short-sighted decisions by the Nazi leadership, Germany’s position in radar technology had fallen behind the capabilities of Britain and of the United States. (Reacting the the prospect of airborne radar, Herman Goering had said “My pilots do not need a cinema on board!”)

But by 1943, even the dullest Nazi could see the advantages that the Allies were obtaining from radar. In February of that year, Goering ordered an intensification of radar research efforts. One of the scientists assigned to radar research was Herbert Matare, who had been an electronics experimenter as a teenager and had gone on the earn a doctorate.

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