Less Than a Year

I saw this today:
It is a pretty good ad. Zerocare has been a debacle, as we all expected it to be. It isn’t just a “broken website”. It is a classical 20th century big government scheme, completely unprepared and unable to deal with a 21st century economy – this is one of the main thrusts of America 3.0.

Every Republican (and the groups cheering for them) should just shut up about pretty much everything but this one issue. Make the Democrats own it. It is theirs. It passed by a straight party vote. Make them eat it in 2014.

The Art of the Remake – XIII

The standard:

If you are going to cover a song, rip it apart a bit and make it your own.

The original version of “This is the Day” by The The:

The remake, by Manic Street Preachers:

A fantastic job.

The original song is now thirty years old, which makes me feel old, but what is new.

Obamacare, the Scrooging

People signing up for Obamacare are being robbed by the government. This time it’s not metaphorically, like when your perfectly satisfactory insurance plan is made illegal and all the compliant plans are more expensive and have worse terms but literally. People are having their accounts debited improperly during the Christmas season. And because it is being done by the government, there is little recourse to sue due to sovereign immunity and, of course, those most injured haven’t the money to hire representation anyway. I think Pope Francis calls it ‘despoliation of the poor’.

Double debits, wrong day debits, wrong amount debits, these are all standard hazards with any sort of Electronic Funds Transfer (ETF) system. There’s nothing particularly new about these issues. It’s all part of the back end errors that those dastardly Republicans have been hyperventilating about and Democrats have been pooh poohing for weeks now.

You never know when Tuttle will turn into Buttle in one of these systems. But what’s in a name?

Merry Christmas

Cross posted: Flit-TM

“Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Decisive Moment”

This is pretty good.

The Art of the Remake XI

Smashing Pumpkins, Space Oddity. A fantastic job. As always, remember the standard:

If you are going to cover a song, rip it apart a bit and make it your own