Paris in Color, 1914-1930

A great set of color photos, HERE (via Maggie’s Farm.) These were taken as part of a project sponsored by Albert Kahn who “believed that he could use the new autochrome process, the world’s first user-friendly, true-colour photographic system, to promote cross-cultural peace and understanding.” Kahn’s photographers took pictures in more than 50  countries around the world.

I linked some of the Kahn photos, mostly non-European ones, back in 2010: the early 1900s, in color…I originally discovered these photos via Neptunus Lex, and there was a good discussion at this post.

If you haven’t already seen them, check out the color photos of Czarist Russia and of America in the late 1930s and early 1940s…both linked at my “early 1900s in color” post.

See also the London blitz, in color, and a collection of old postcards of Dublin.

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Something is preventing comments from displaying in this blog’s right sidebar. I’m trying to track down the problem. It does not appear to be caused by any of the ad scripts in the header or left sidebar (which load before the right sidebar does). If you have a suggestion for what the problem might be you are welcome to leave it here as a comment.

Thanks, and apologies for the inconvenience.

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