American Majority Grassroots/Activist Training Saturday, June 25, 2011 from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM (CT) Oak Lawn, IL

Our nation was founded by ordinary citizen activists desiring a government that was accountable to the people. Today, ordinary citizens across our nation are tired of the status quo and ready to engage for the betterment of their communities. American Majority’s political training addresses these passions by providing education and resources to help you meet your goals.
American Majority along with the Chicago Tea Party will conduct a Grassroots/Activist training that will provide citizens with the tools necessary to win elections and implement limited government and free market principles.

I am going.

You should too.

2 thoughts on “American Majority Grassroots/Activist Training Saturday, June 25, 2011 from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM (CT) Oak Lawn, IL”

  1. I’ll try and be there, work and schedule permitting, but you know what Lex?

    I’m sick of politics. I’m sick of CNN and Fox and pundits and “horse-race” commentary and idiot politicians who never think things through and conventional wisdom.

    I started out apolitical but sort of soft left for most of the 90s, turned right after 9-11, have become increasingly libertarian during the course of the Iraq War, and now I can’t stand anybody.

    I’m sick of politics showing up in movies and books and at the dinner table and the anger and knee-jerk reactions.

    I’m sick of people who fall in love with politicians and bond with them in a weird personal way and can’t handle honest criticism of policies or style or substance.

    I am sick, sick, sick, sick of the politicization of EVERYTHING.

    But I’ll be there.

    That is the reason I’ve been laying low on the blogs for a bit, except for a my usual haunts like here or zen or SWJ.

    I don’t understand people that get emotional satisfaction from the R vs L team player thing.

    – Madhu

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