Amazon It Is

Thanks Fred for pointing out this interesting tidbit:

Maud Newton and Mark Sarvas are boycotting Amazon because, according, 61% of Amazon’s political donations went to Republicans — whereas Borders gave 100% and B&N gave 98% to Democrats. Seems a bit harsh to me, but I can respect their stance.

I’ve always liked Amazon. Great layout, fast delivery, and good prices.

Borders and B&N always seemed overpriced (both books and food/drink) with limited selection. Nice to browse, but when you need something specific, Amazon (or the local library) is the place to go. Not to mention the wear and tear public browsing causes at Borders and B&N. If I want to buy a new book or magazine, I rather it be new…

So I won’t be throwing my money at Borders and B&N anymore. is a useful site. I’ll be sure to use it to check who the big Republican donors are and buy from them.

7 thoughts on “Amazon It Is”

  1. Hey, to each his own. I stopped patronizing a local Arab grocery, where they display Arafat paraphernalia and have a crabby attitude, in favor of another Arab grocery that’s pleasant and apolitical. But the PLO really is my enemy, while the Democrats, for all of their flaws, are fellow citizens. And anyway, what’s wrong with doing business with your ideological opponents? Trade brings diverse people together. That’s usually a good thing.

  2. Yeah, I was being facetious. I’m an equal opportunity consumer. Generally the lowest price/best quality value proposition wins my business. Funny thing though, if you shop at the left’s ideal places, you’ll be paying twice more for eco/hippie/organic crap.

  3. Right. Because it’s better to “support” organic farmers and “alternative” business people than to buy good cheap food at mainstream stores — and invest the difference in high-growth industries that create massive wealth, which is what really helps people. That is, it’s better if you’re ignorant about science and economics.

  4. I keep a bottle of pesticide next to my spices, just to give it extra kick.

    On a serious note, organic farming is a joke. A buddy studied environ economics at Berkeley, and it takes 4 times as much land and resources to produce organic vegetables than it does if you use pesticides, fertilizers and such. So you see Jonathan, it doesn’t matter if people starve, it’s better for you to feel good about your food.

  5. It is difficult not to feel good about food, particularly before meals. But I see your point. IIRC Bruce Ames discussed some of these issues long ago. He pointed out that some naturally appearing chemicals in “organic” vegetables are more toxic than the artificial chemicals they replace. There’s no free lunch, so to speak.

  6. My chief beef with Amazon is their privacy non- policy; The fact that, no matter what they tell you their policy is today, they reserve the right to change it tomorrow, and use the information they collected under today’s policy according to tomorrow’s. Which means that what they’re telling you today is absolutely worthless…

    Aside from that, they’re a fine company.

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