(Via Ibis Studio on Twitter.)
Some Chicago Boyz know each other from student days at the University of Chicago. Others are Chicago boys in spirit. The blog name is also intended as a good-humored gesture of admiration for distinguished Chicago School economists and fellow travelers.
(Via Ibis Studio on Twitter.)
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That is funny. Although I will say that some people have way too much spare time on their hands.
Years ago – in the 90s – I purchased a domain name for our company – despite a lot of trying sales were minimal and I let it laps – 5-7 years later.
A porn company bought it and it occurred to me I have to redo all my business cards.
Thankfully an Ohio radio station eventually got it.
Haha. I think that’s awesome. I wonder if they made any money from Guy for taking it down.
I remember Chicago Boyz porn. That’s how I got here…
A local restaurant didn’t buy its obvious domain name either, which is now occupied by a completely generic “Lorem ipsum”¦” set of pages for a fill-in-the-black restaurant. The actual restaurant has a lousy web page under a similar name.
That would almost be enough evidence to get ICANN to give you the domain name. People sue for names all the time.