From humble beginnings as an indentured child laborer carrying 100 Lb. sacks of dynamite through the coal mines of Cambridge, Massachusetts, to the heights of his current success as a mega-blogging celebrity lawyer, his story must be told.
–Lexington Green
UPDATE: The awards ceremony!
I want to thank my Mom and Dad, and all the little people along the way, you know who you are, who made it all possible.
I don’t like the font.
The font?
Ah, Lexington’s motivational power clearly out watts Werner Erhard & his ilk. We had no idea such a superman existed in our midst.
I want my next public appearance to be greeted pretty much like this. The old guy in the suit? I get to be in his chair.
I had a pretty crappy day at work, but that video made my day. Pretty damn funny.
…Er….happy Birthday, oh Great Leader?!
Thanks, Tatyana. It was really a very nice party. I was a little miffed that some of the unison head-swaying got out of sync in a few places. But I decided to just let it slide this time. After I left the stadium and returned to my palace, I was pleasantly surprised by 100 young women in strapless evening gowns carrying a cake the size of a station wagon into the main foyer. “Oh”, I said, “you shouldn’t have!”
LOL, pretty catchy tune. where do I sign up?
Wasn’t the end screen a profile of Mighty Mouse? Subliminal message?
1. Insignificant creature overcoming all odds in the face of enormous adversity to become the hero of the people?
2. Tiny, dirty, flea-ridden rodent, living on what it steals from the larders of the hard working?
Which is it?
Getting a little ahead of the news cycle, that’s all.