Comment Preview

I’ve restored the comment preview feature that this blog once had but that stopped working after a WordPress upgrade. The new comment preview works as the old one did. Your comment displays under the comment entry box as you type it and as it will look after you publish it.

11 thoughts on “Comment Preview”

  1. Thanks Jonathan.
    I’m often commenting on my phone, which isn’t the most precise instrument for syntax and grammar. Preview is most welcome.

  2. There are blogs, Jonathan, where if a commenter wishes to burst into verse he has to write line1/line2 because if the tries to write


    it doesn’t appear like that.

    It’ll soon be haiku season, I suppose.

  3. Will it turn to something worse?
    More terse? It’s inverse?
    No one can know it. It’ll have to show it.
    An algorithmic poet!

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